Monday, January 6, 2014

This Years Goals

    This is a little late to be putting up goals, but I saw my mom's goals. That triggered me to say to myself why couldn't I do something like that?
    If you follow my blog, you can probably see I do not post on a schedule. I post what and when I desire. I mainly post how to's, I guess you could say that's my niche.
     By posting my goals I may actually accomplish them. I will try to update at the beginning of next year.  


    1. Set up my google plus?
    2. Set up adsense
    3. Sign up for buffer?
    4. Change the color of my grab my button (from blue to pink)


    1. Check the dog's water more often (and wash their bowls at least twice a month)
    2. Drink one glass of water at each meal 
    3. Read three books this year (I know you are probably saying that is hardly anything, but I am not a big reader at all. So that is a lot for me)


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