Monday, January 18, 2016

Sea Monkey (Sea Monkeys on Mars Kit) Review

I had Sea Monkeys, I did like them, but I was not impressed so that's why I'm not giving this a good review, but not a bad one ether. I would have loved to have something like this before I started my Sea Monkeys. So I am going to tell you how I liked it along with how I did it and I hope this will help you , on deciding to do Sea Monkeys or not and help you know what to do to raise them.


I can not give them 5 stars, I'll tell you why. I got the first batch to hatch, and then they died after about two weeks. A normal life span for Sea Monkeys. I had rilly enjoyed them so I got some more eggs and tried again. I got a heard of them this time, but they died when they were still tinny w ency little ones you could hardly see them! So at this point I was getting a little frustrated. But I thought maybe just got a bad batch. So I sent in to the company for new ones. I got them an I started them. I wanted and waited for weeks, but still no Sea Monkeys. I finely gave up and dumped them. So I did not have that good of an experience with them. But they are cool and if you want to try them I encourage you! Have fun with it whatever you do.

How to:

Here is a list of interesting Sea Monkeys videos on different topics.

Step one: This is not necessary, but it would not hurt to clean the tank. To clean it you will want an old tooth brush, you want to rinse your toothbrush off with bottled water,distilled water or spring water (that is what I used). You never want any tap watter in the Sea Monkey tank.

Put some vinegar in the tank, scrub it with the toothbrush. Then rinse it out good (remember no tap water).

Step two: fill the tank (no tap water!)

Step three: put your water purifier in, use your aerator and pump it once or twice (you should have got one of these in your kit. Your going to need it throughout the proses, if you did not get one you can make one like this.

Step four: wait 24-48 hours. make sure to keep the pemperaure at 65-80 until they hatch. here is a temperature chart.

Step five: put the eggs in.

Step five: once they hatch you need to aerate them several times a day. And feed them once a week. once they get to adult stage you can cut the aerating down to once a day.

I have made several you tube videos through the process, I will link to them

how to start Sea Monkeys

Sea Monkey

My Sea Monkeys

Sea Monkeys

The Send In

Two ways two Aerate you Sea Monkey Tank

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