Monday, April 6, 2020

How to Stay Well all Year long

Are you always getting sick, whether it be the cold or flu or maybe just a mild sniffle? Are you tired of it? It is still annoying. Am I right? Know one wants to be sick. 

Well, I have a few simple ways to help you stay well. Are you ready?

  1. Wash your hands
It seems simple. But it is easy to forget. 
Always wash your hands before meals. And also when you get home from outings. Shoes, shopping carts, doorknobs and much more are often covered in germs.

2. Cleanser
If you can't get to a sink you can use hand wash or hand wipes

Wipe down commonly touched surfaces, once a week. More if there is sickness around you. Like Computers, Remotes, Hand Rails, Door Knobs, cell phones, keys.....

Dusting and general cleaning is very important too. I like E-clothes. You can use them to clean about anything. And they kill germs when used properly.

5.Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps support your immune health. 800-1000 IUs Per day or what suggested by your doctor.

6.Vitamin C
60-100 mg of vitamin C a day or what suggested by your doctor.

If you have been anywhere with a lot of people or where you think there might have been sick people. Such as a doctor, hospital or grocery store. You might want to change your clothes when you get home.

Always shower before going to bed. That way your bed says clean.

9.don't touch
The most important thing is to never touch your face when you are out. That is how you transfer germs.

Always sneeze or cough into a tissue or if you don't have one pull up you shirt or cover with your elbow. It protects you (cause your not putting your dirty hands on your mouth). And it's polite and protects others.

Note: I am not a health professional this article is written off of personal experience and research

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