Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Road Id, Medical bracelet, why you need one?


 I have medical conditions that sometimes impact my life, which I totally embrace, and am thankful for the life the Lord has blessed me with.

 I think a little extra protection is smart. So I have a medical bracelet. If you are on medications or have allergies a medical ID is smart.

 Before I got one I used to think they all had to be bulky and red and frankly ugly. I thought that's all people would see of me and I thought they would be outrageously expensive, like hundreds of dollars!

Then I found "Laurens Hope" a great shop with beautiful interchangeable medical bracelets, at an affordable price. I had two of them over four years they kept getting caught on things and the chain would break. ( they are a great company with great products, but just not for my lifestyle) 

I was looking for something rugged and I found Road Id. They have all kinds. They are all-weather silicone which is good because I wear mine 24/7.

You can make it fit almost any size wrist. I have a tinny wrist and we were able to get it to fit (not snug, but well). It is a cut-to-size band.

   I love this company and supporting them. They are a small start-up company that has expanded and a percentage of every sale goes to help disabled kids get service dogs.

They have necklaces, bracelets, tags for shoes, and more. I opted for a bracelet this is the one I got. It was only $49.99 at the time. 

   You can get new bracelet bands(different colors). All the components are replaceable if needed. I am very happy with my medical Id bracelet.  If you or anyone you know has or is in the Navy, Military, or served our country in any way,(Thank you) you probably know what dog tags are. Well, road Id quite literally has dog tags for your pet's collar, which you can customize.


    It could be for you, a friend, your kids, an aging parent, or anyone else. Whether it is for a medical condition, a kid that always seems to slip out of your sight, or just for a little peace of mind. I greatly encourage people to get one.

Or your furry friend I hope you will consider road Id and pass it on. Its something you hope you will never need but it may save your life one day(or your pets)

This link gives you $10 off your first order at RoadID.

Prices and offers are subject to change.

If you are having trouble knowing what to put on your Medical ID these may help you, 

What to engrave-info #1  What to engrave-info#2   Find Medical abbreviations-#1  

 Find Medical abbreviations-#2

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