Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Photo face mask

 With the sickness going around, a lot of the country's Covid is spreading. It is a good idea to wear a mask anytime you are sick or around sick people. But especially now. 

The masks are so boring though. They are plain, blue or black, a lot of the time. Why not get a personalized one? 

Right now SnapFish has them. You can put a photo on them or just some wording. They will make it a statement, not just a mask. You can make your own here

SnapFish is a great place, they have many things. We have got lots of personalized items there before. And often you can get coupon codes and get a super good price. right now ( 11-17-20 prices subject to change)  they have a coupon code for the masks. 

I'm back.

 I have not been keeping up with my postings. I hope you had a good fall. it is almost Thanksgiving can you believe it?

Monday, August 3, 2020

Photoshop Elements: Review and help links

Do you like making crafts?  Of course you do, that's why you're here right? I love making crafts so much! I loved making crafts  since I was a little girl, I like doing them with paper and it’s so fun to make them out of hand. There's nothing funner than building something with your own hands.

I will review Photoshop Elements and tell you why I like it.  it is not only photos as you may seem you can make all sorts of things.  you can make posters, cards

Monday, June 1, 2020

Dog Stairs or Ramp? Why and What I Got.

Does my dog need help up on the bed? Do I need a ramp or stairs?  I have a wiener dog, I got steps for her. They help her to get up on my high bed. I don't like her jumping and she loves to get up and snuggle in. If you have any small, injured or elderly dog it is a good idea not to have them jumping. You might want to get a ramp or stairs to assist them. But what do you get? A ramp or stairs? Well.... I got stairs, it is optimally up to you but here are my thoughts on it.

   If your dog has had a prior injury or elderly I would go with a ramp. If you live in a one-level home and the dog has never experienced stairs I would lean towards a ramp, it could be less daunting for the dog. If your dog is perfectly mobile and had experienced stairs I would lean toward stairs.

   If you have a dachshund many people say stairs are bad they should not go up and downstairs at all. We have stairs in our house. I'm not going to be able to stop her from going up and down.  Personally, I don't think stairs are that big of a deal. I worry more about her whipping around corners. But just like a person, you can only protect them so much. And their dogs they don't understand. There will probably be a little training with whatever you go with. I went with the stairs because we already have stairs in our house, and it is much better for her than jumping.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Election day, comming

Every American citizen has the right to vote! Get your vote in.
In a ballot box, By May/19/2020 (or)
By mail, By May/13/2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

How to Keep Yourself and Others safe and Well , What to Do When Your Stuck at Home.

To answer your first question.....Is coronavirus (COVID 19) serious? yes. It is very serious. If you get it it can be very bad or detrimental. Any sickness is serious. Maybe you think a cold is just a cold. The flu is no big deal. It is not for most people but any sickness can be very serious for anyone. But especially the elderly and the ones that have underlying health problems. I am one of those people. looking at me I look perfectly healthy. But if I get sick it can be very bad for me.

Do you know how many people die from the flew each year? 30,000 people on average. Think about, and that's only the flu. Don't go out unless you absolutely must. You could get it and die worse yet someone you love could. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!

Even though we are in a vary weird time. And lots of people are struggling with things we take for granted every day. In some ways it will bring us closer together. Even if you are one of the overwhelming majority of people quarantined, stay in touch with family. And remember what today is all about.
Jesus died on the cross, and rose again  for our sins, and He will help us through this too.

Stay together while staying apart.

Monday, April 6, 2020

How to Stay Well all Year long

Are you always getting sick, whether it be the cold or flu or maybe just a mild sniffle? Are you tired of it? It is still annoying. Am I right? Know one wants to be sick. 

Well, I have a few simple ways to help you stay well. Are you ready?

  1. Wash your hands
It seems simple. But it is easy to forget. 
Always wash your hands before meals. And also when you get home from outings. Shoes, shopping carts, doorknobs and much more are often covered in germs.

2. Cleanser
If you can't get to a sink you can use hand wash or hand wipes

Monday, March 2, 2020

Three things you can do to Fix 90% of Dog behaveral Isus

Do you have a unruly dog? My dachshund was, she would bark and bark outside all the time. It was annoying and embarrassing. In a short time 90% of the issue are solved.

Do know how? it sounds like the hokiest thing, something that you would say "that would never work".  But it did for me.
#1"Walking on a leash."
Ok Ok, I know how it sound but stick with me. Most people don't walk there dog properly I know I didn't.
Here's a video that will hopefully help you.
I did not use a slip lead I just used my dogs collar. But the most important thing in my opinion is keeping the dog next to you.And keaping calm because the dog can tell and get's exited from your energy.

#2 thing to do is "not let the dog" out the door before you. That way your dog will know you are the leader.

#3 "Find a trigger" What if your dog does bark? you need to find somethings to snap them out of  the mindset of "bark". Weather that be a noise or something else. But then you need to make sure to go to them and calm them all the way down.

Here's a video that might help:

Wednesday, January 1, 2020