Monday, August 3, 2020

Photoshop Elements: Review and help links

Do you like making crafts?  Of course you do, that's why you're here right? I love making crafts so much! I loved making crafts  since I was a little girl, I like doing them with paper and it’s so fun to make them out of hand. There's nothing funner than building something with your own hands.

I will review Photoshop Elements and tell you why I like it.  it is not only photos as you may seem you can make all sorts of things.  you can make posters, cards

or cute sayings.  you can put nice texts and decorations on them, that you might not be able to do by hand. 

I took class on Photoshop Elements and learned a few simple things. It was so fun. The rest just fell into place as I played with it. And now I love making things and playing with it. It is so easy to make, cards, edit your photos, or even make a poster.

Today I will show you a few things you can do with Photoshop Elements. I will show some before and after photos of some things you can do in Photoshop Elements.

Face completion: After
Face completion: After

                                                         Face completion fix: Before

                                                                Decorations: Before

                                                            Decorations: After

                                                           Object remove: before

                                                       Object remove: After

                                                            Blur back:Before

                                                            Blur back:After

Here is the course I took, You will have to dish out a little coinage, for it but it is well worth it. I believe.

 If you are looking for some informational sources on a budget YouTube. Here are a few YouTube videos I found helpful.

1. Top Ten Things to Know

2.  Layers for Beginners

3. Sharpen Blurry Photo

4. DIY Photo

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