Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Christmas is almost here. There are many ways people celebrate Christmas. What is your tradition? We have a lot of Christmas decorations in our town, so we go see the Christmas lights as a family. And open gifts and have a big dinner together.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Natural ways to Prevent Fleas on Dogs

Do you have dogs or any pets that go outside? We love our pets, We want the best for them. But we hate fleas right? Though's nasty, itchy, creepy little bugs are so annoying!

We hate to put the harsh Flea medicines on our dogs. Sometime it must be done. But it is better to avoid it when you can.

So what can you do? When we had fleas I was looking for a natural method. Here are three home remedies for fleas on dogs.

1. Use a "Flea Comb" it is quite easy. Get a dish of soap and water, to put them in as you find then. And then just comb your dog and the fleas will get scooped up by the comb.

  2. Here is a natural flea bath.  I used "Dawn" to wash our dogs. It must be "Dawn dish soap".
   Put 2-3 teaspoons of "Dawn" in  4 cups of water. Get the dog wet. And then a little at a time dump the mixture of "Dawn and water" on the dog, and lather. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes ( yay right!). I would not do a bath more than once a week. If you do your dog's skin might get overly dry.

3. take 1/4 a cup "Apple Cider Vinegar" or "Destilled White Vinegar" and mix it with 1 cup water.
      Wipe on your dog every other day and let air dry. It will repel the fleas. I recommend setting with your dog till it drys so they don't lick it.

These are only for minor flea problems. If you have an on going flea problem, I suggest you contact your Vet.

Monday, August 12, 2019

How to Make Charger Cozy

You will need
  • Fabric
  • Thread
  • Velcro
  • Medium weight fusible interfacing
  • Toilet paper tube

Take two pieces of fabric. Cut then the size of a cut open toilet paper tube and round the edges off, by cutting them. Put wrong sides together and a piece of interfacing between them, sew together bet leave a small whole to turn it.

Turn it right side out. Now cut a small piece a (+)and (-) sides of Velcro. Sew one piece on each end of the cozy. Now fold up you charger cord and wrap the cozy around it .

to see all the instructions click this photo.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Photo of the Week

Out cat Gava, 12 years old you will be missed.❤😢❤😽

Monday, July 29, 2019

What to Use to Brush your Dogs Teeth

It is important to brush your dogs teeth. You can go to a vet and have them sedated, to clean there teeth. But that costs a fortune! And some dogs it is not good for them to be sedated (like my dog because she is Epileptic.)You can give them tarter cleaning treats. But you need to brush there teeth too.

What kind of tooth brush should you use? If it's a big dog you can use a long handled tooth brush. For my (small dachshund) dog I use a finger brush. You can also get rubberized toys that have bristles like a toothbrush. And your dogs can chew on then and clean there teeth, you can smear a little peanut butter on it to get then interested.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Shaving Cream Experiment

We made an experiment. You put water in a cup and shaving cream om top. Foaming is best. But we used gel shaving cream and it worked too. Water down some paints, and take a straw and slowly drip it in. It will make a cool effect, kinda like colored rain or a storm.

We thought it was fun. I hope you do too. 

Friday, June 21, 2019

Monday, June 17, 2019

Toothpick fun

I made a house out of toothpicks. I used a cardboard piece as the base.I used Elmer's Glue at the base to glue it together, but then I used Hot Glue at the top. Because Elmer's Glue was not strong enough to hold it up wile it dried. Then mad a bed and a couch and two people too put in there. It took me tree weeks to do everything. I left the walls off so you can see in, except for it has walls in the front of the house. And a window I made out of Plastic Wrap.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Healthy Kong stuffing Recipe

I will give you my recipe I use, when stuffing my dogs Kong. What is A Kong?
It is a dog toy you can put food in. We all want to feed our dogs healthy right?
Well I have an easy and healthy Kong stuffing recipe.

Kong Stuffing Recipe

  • Preparation

    1. Take two bananas and put them in a food processor. Blind them until they're smooth. If you don't have a food processor, you can use a handheld Masher.
    2. Now you need to chop these strawberries up. You can use a handheld knife for this. Or you can use a food processor. But the strawberries should be in small pieces.
    3. Shred the carrots, on a hand shredder or put them in a food processor.

Monday, May 13, 2019

My Rock polishing Adventure

Today I am going to tell you about how I polished my rocks. I do not have any photos in the process of doing it but I think these photos are very interesting I hope you will like them. It took a whole month to do this process and we had to put four different kinds of grit in to clean them. But when they came out all finished they where smooth and shiny.
Polishing the rocks is hard on them. When the rocks came out of the rock polisher there were quite a few pieces that had broken off the rocks. One of the rocks went into the rock tumbler about the size of a penny and came out smaller than a dime.

Each time we rinsed the tumbler out to put new grit in. The water was gross with the dirt off the rocks. And each time we changed out the grit, the lid was a mess. During the process the lid came off and rocks fell out all over the ground. But all- in- all it is worth it, the rocks came out shinny and smooth after running 24-hours a day and 7-days a week for a month.

These are not the rocks I polished but they are some rocks that are not polished so I hope they give you an idea what they looked like before polishing.    

Monday, April 1, 2019

Giving a Bird Hope

We had a crow run into our window. It must have collided with a little bird because we had a little bird sitting on the ground not doing much. It was obvious it was hurt so we got our butterfly cage and put fatter and a little lint from the dryer in there. And brought the bird in. It stayed it there for two days then we released it. It seemed to be doing better and we figured it would be mean to keep it any longer. so we let it go. Sadly it died, the next day. But we gave it it's best chance. And it had one good day out with its friends. Where it would have died the first night if we didn't bring it in.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Snow in Spring?

It is March. It is usually raining but 40,50 60s.  Our highs have been in the high 40s  well reach 50 if we're lucky. The lows are in the 20s-30s. It is SNOWING and more in the forecast. I love snow, but it's two weeks till

 When is it going to warm up? 

Friday, February 8, 2019


What is winter? When you think of winter you think of snow and cold  and maybe some winds. well that's usually what our winters are like too. but not this year..... in November in was cold. December and January it was like spring, lower 40s to upper 50s. we thought..."winter is over" we put all our winter gear away, we were about ready to turn on the hoses. Then this happened.......

We got snow! Winter is not over it is gust beginning. It went from 50 to 29 in two days. We are expected to have snow all week. And maybe up to a foot.