Monday, August 26, 2019

Natural ways to Prevent Fleas on Dogs

Do you have dogs or any pets that go outside? We love our pets, We want the best for them. But we hate fleas right? Though's nasty, itchy, creepy little bugs are so annoying!

We hate to put the harsh Flea medicines on our dogs. Sometime it must be done. But it is better to avoid it when you can.

So what can you do? When we had fleas I was looking for a natural method. Here are three home remedies for fleas on dogs.

1. Use a "Flea Comb" it is quite easy. Get a dish of soap and water, to put them in as you find then. And then just comb your dog and the fleas will get scooped up by the comb.

  2. Here is a natural flea bath.  I used "Dawn" to wash our dogs. It must be "Dawn dish soap".
   Put 2-3 teaspoons of "Dawn" in  4 cups of water. Get the dog wet. And then a little at a time dump the mixture of "Dawn and water" on the dog, and lather. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes ( yay right!). I would not do a bath more than once a week. If you do your dog's skin might get overly dry.

3. take 1/4 a cup "Apple Cider Vinegar" or "Destilled White Vinegar" and mix it with 1 cup water.
      Wipe on your dog every other day and let air dry. It will repel the fleas. I recommend setting with your dog till it drys so they don't lick it.

These are only for minor flea problems. If you have an on going flea problem, I suggest you contact your Vet.

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