Monday, June 4, 2018

How to Make your own Pots

Do you like gardening? Do you like DIY projects? Are you thrifty/cheap? Well, I have a DIY project that will meet all throughs criterias. I love gardening, flowers, and vegetables!

I love getting my hands dirty, it shows hard work!We sometimes get plant starts from the store, but we usually start then by seed. Do you start then by seed or plants?

Anyway, I have a way you can make seedling pots to start your plants in. All you need is newspaper! We get the newspaper at our house but of course, you can get it at almost any store too.

These pots are also Eco-friendly. They will decay naturally when you are done with them and through then away. That means if you wanted you could also pot them straight in the ground and they will naturally compost.

Watch the video to see how to make these simple and
Eco-friendly pots.

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