Monday, June 18, 2018

How to Make A Tablet Case

Do you have a tablet, and need something to protect it? But you don't want to spend an arm and a leg for it? Well, I have a way you can make a nice but cheap case.

You will Need

Hot Glue
            Optional Supplies
Sewing Machine
Hair Tie

W x 3 + ½ inch
L X 2 + ½ inch

Step One: Cut the fabric for your tablet.

Step Two: Fold in half widthwise and turn the wrong side out. Put a hair tie (half way)in at one of the tops   (if desired(you may halve to tape it in place.) 

Step three: Sew ¾ the way around. You can use hot glue if you don't have a Sewing Machine.

Step Four: Turn it right side out. 

Step Five: Cut three sheets of cardboard, glue them inside the pocket.  

Step Six: Sew the opening shut. Sew in-between each piece of cardboard.

Step Seven: Fold one third and sew on each side, so you will now have a pocket

Step Eight: If you put a hair tie in step two, then you will need a button to secure it. Hand sew a button on where the hair tie will reach, it may help to make a small pen mark in the center of the hair tie.

The pocket may be a little tight for your tablet at first, if needed push both your hands in and stretch it a little.

Now you have made a tablet case. I hope you like it and it works well for you!   

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