Monday, December 17, 2018

Decorations & O Holy Night!

We decorated our house for Christmas the day after thanksgiving. When do you do it? Some people like to decorate early, some wait till Christmas Eve.

It is almost Christmas! Make sure you don't forget the true meaning, in all the busyness and family (or whatever you do it Christmas). This is one of my favorite songs!

I hope you like this video. And have a good day and Christmas!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How to Stay Warm in Winter

It's getting cold outside, at least wear I live. Is it cold there? Here are a few tips to stay warm this year.

For in the house slippers and fingerless mittens are good to keep you warm (my hands are always cold). A fire place will heat your house good.

It also helps if you put a short-sleeve shirt or even a tank-top over a long-sleeve shirt.

When you go outside you will want to bundle up. If it's not to cold a heavy duty jacket, and gloves too keep your hands warm, will do the job. Lined boots are nice too.

But if it's freezing you will need a hat too, if it has ear flaps too that's nice. If it's really cold you might even want too double-up your socks and mittens.

And don't forget about your animals. Especially small dogs, put a sweater on them to, if there going outside.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Face Paint

I like face paint do you? I got this face paint, I think it's fun. It has some gilder with it too. I am not very good at painting it on though. It has a small paint brush to apply it with.
 Some people can make elaborate face paintings.
But even if it's not perfect you can have fun! Remember whatever you choose to do have fun.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Daylight Saving time ends

Daylight Saving  time ends. It's all very confusing to me, but I believe we go back a hour.

If you are still confused like me this might help.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

SnowMan Christmas Ornaments

It is getting close to Christmas!
Do you need some gifts, but don't know what to get? How about a hand made ornament? Or maybe you need one for your tree.
I have a quick and easy ornament you can make, and oh so cute.

Take a popsicle pant it white. Glue a few buttons on and draw a mouth and eyes. Take a piece of ribbon and make a loop to hang it by, and glue it on the back.
For extra if you want you can cut a hat, scarf and noise out of fome or fabric.

Monday, September 10, 2018

How to Make a Simple Curtain Tie

Do you have curtains, but don't have ties for them, to hold them back? Do you not want to put  those big ugly holes in the walls, for hooks? I have got the solution for you! All you will need is three supplies.

So today I will be showing you how to make simple and easy curtain ties. They are as easy as
1, 2 ,3, and you're done! You will need.

1.Rubber bands

2. a washer (nut)

Monday, August 20, 2018

Healthy Carrot Dog Treats

Hello fellow readers, I have a recipe that I made for you today. but before I tell you how to make it I want to tell you a little history of it. We have a dog named Ruben. we got him when he was five, He had bad teeth. one day we got all his teeth pulled out. now he's much happier, but he can not eat most of the tree, out in the stores. so I made up this recipe that he can eat much easier, and he loves them too. our other dog who has no problem eating the other treats, also will eat these treats. and they're also good for them because they have carrots.

Today I will be sharing a recipe with you. of how to make healthy carrot dog treats. I know your dogs will love them, ours certainly did.  And these streets are very quick and easy to make, only about 20 minutes for the whole process. This recipe makes about 30 treats.
 The first step is to mix all the ingredients together. you should come out with a doughy consistency. You will have to get your hands a little dirty for this step, a spoon is hard to use to mix so I just use my fingers. Now once it's all mixed you'll take it out brake about a quarter sized pieces off or maybe a penny, if you want smaller teats.  Get a cookie sheet out. and now take the piece you break off and squash it down flat, and put it on the sheet. Now just repeat with all of them and tell you how all the dough used. That's how you make my healthy carrot dog treats. Cook in the oven, 350 degrees. for 5 to 10 minutes.

 You'll know they're done when the outside is still if you squeeze it, but it has a little of a crisp top layer on it. It is best if you keep these in the refrigerator, because if you don't they will move very fast. They do not have any preservatives in them to keep them fresh, so they will do that.

These are so healthy you could eat them yourself (they don't taste very good, I tried)😄😝

 Simple and easy!
 So let's get down dirty.  Get out Our aprons.
 Now here is the recipe for you.

 1 half a cup of grated carrots
 1 1/8 cups of flour
 3/4 a cup of peanut butter
 1 oz  of water

Monday, August 6, 2018

How to Stamp your Nails

Today I am going to show you how to stamp your nails. It is quite easy, once you learn how.

 you must first paint your nails with a base color, a darker color works best. You can do your fingers, and your toes if you would like. then you pick a design you want. Dab some fingernail polish on and pick it up with your stamping tool.

 It's the design you picked, is a smaller one and it fits on your nail. You can simply stamp it on your nail. But I find a lot of the designs don't fit on my nail, So when that happens don't worry. Start with your nail at the end of the design, and simply roll it's on.

 I also have a video, to walk you through the steps. If you prefer to watch instead of reading better.

Monday, July 16, 2018

How to Make A Comfort Jacket

I will teach you how to make A Comfort Jacket Or a Squeeze Jacket as I call them.

1. Get an old T-shirt
2. Cut the sleeves off

3. Cut down the middle of the shirt

4. tighten the neck opening, so it fits well around the dog's neck, and sew it closed

you're almost done!

5.wrap the shirt around the dog (snugly), mark where it needs to fasten closed.
6. Add Velcro on both sides were you marked

Put it on the dog! Now you have a cheaply handmade Comfort Jacket.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Carring for A Hurt Butterfly

Once I raised butterflies. I had five beautiful butterflies. Four flew away But one had a hurt wing and it could not fly. So I card for it in the house until it's death. Pore thing, it's wing fell off and always dragged, but it seemed happy. I would get it new food every day. It would climb on my finger and sit there sometimes I would bring a flower in the house and it would sit on it.

It had become my pet. So naturally, a was sad when it died. I had cared and feed it it's whole life since a worm. It had to have a name, so I named it. I gave it the name of Sandy, I thought it was a very fitting name for it, it was also my grandma's name. I will always remember Sandy butterfly.   

Monday, June 18, 2018

How to Make A Tablet Case

Do you have a tablet, and need something to protect it? But you don't want to spend an arm and a leg for it? Well, I have a way you can make a nice but cheap case.

You will Need

Hot Glue
            Optional Supplies
Sewing Machine
Hair Tie

W x 3 + ½ inch
L X 2 + ½ inch

Step One: Cut the fabric for your tablet.

Step Two: Fold in half widthwise and turn the wrong side out. Put a hair tie (half way)in at one of the tops   (if desired(you may halve to tape it in place.) 

Step three: Sew ¾ the way around. You can use hot glue if you don't have a Sewing Machine.

Step Four: Turn it right side out. 

Step Five: Cut three sheets of cardboard, glue them inside the pocket.  

Step Six: Sew the opening shut. Sew in-between each piece of cardboard.

Step Seven: Fold one third and sew on each side, so you will now have a pocket

Step Eight: If you put a hair tie in step two, then you will need a button to secure it. Hand sew a button on where the hair tie will reach, it may help to make a small pen mark in the center of the hair tie.

The pocket may be a little tight for your tablet at first, if needed push both your hands in and stretch it a little.

Now you have made a tablet case. I hope you like it and it works well for you!