Monday, July 18, 2016

Home Made Painted Drift Wood (Imitation) photo Frame

In this article I will teach you how to make a “picture frame tat looks like drift wood”. To make it you need, some, card board, a photo of coarse, newspaper, glue and a pen. To make the drift wood pieces, use a pen cartage and roll the paper around it, from corner to corner, then put a dab of glue on it to keep it rolled. But first cut a piece of cardboard out a little bigger than your photo, glue the photo in the middle. Cut a smaller piece of card board out, bend it in half so theirs a crease and glue one side of the crease to the back, to help it stand up. Now glue your news paper rolls around the photo. Let dry. Then paint (optional)


After I had my frame for a wile, the back stand started to not hold it up as well, So you may want experiment with that.(I might try using a piece from a milk carton or gluing a second piece of card board behind the other so it's more in the shape of a box.)

Monday, July 4, 2016

How to keep You and Your Home Cool in Summer

I will give you a few tips on how to stay cool and keep your home cool, with or with out AC(Air Conditioning). Personally I could not imagine living without AC. But I know some people don't have AC, for different reasons. The cost or you just don't think you need it till it hits 100 degrees (which it hit here recently).

The number one thing you can do, is get yourself 1 or even more small fans. As soon as you get up in the morning (as long as it's cooler outside than in), open all the windows, and use as many fans as you have. Put them in windows to start blowing the cold air in. As soon as it gets warmer outside than inside (most people have a outside thermometer, if you don't I encourage you to get one to tell the temperature) shut all the windows, and any blinds or curtains you have. You can also turn the fan around to blow hot air out.

Happy Independence Day

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