Monday, July 4, 2016

How to keep You and Your Home Cool in Summer

I will give you a few tips on how to stay cool and keep your home cool, with or with out AC(Air Conditioning). Personally I could not imagine living without AC. But I know some people don't have AC, for different reasons. The cost or you just don't think you need it till it hits 100 degrees (which it hit here recently).

The number one thing you can do, is get yourself 1 or even more small fans. As soon as you get up in the morning (as long as it's cooler outside than in), open all the windows, and use as many fans as you have. Put them in windows to start blowing the cold air in. As soon as it gets warmer outside than inside (most people have a outside thermometer, if you don't I encourage you to get one to tell the temperature) shut all the windows, and any blinds or curtains you have. You can also turn the fan around to blow hot air out.

Curtains are very nice. They help keep a lot a the heat out. You can buy curtains at the store or you can make some. They do not have to be very expensive, if you know how to sew you can make them. We made these out of old jeans and a little fabric. If you don't have curtains you can use a blanket. It is not the most appealing look but it works. (My dad is going to kill me for putting this photo up, he hates putting blankets in the windows.)(Hee-hee, not Really.)

Ceiling fans are great they can be a little pricey. But to have them in the room you spend the most time in, or in the bedrooms so it stays cool at night. Really pays off I think.

You can also carry a small spray bottle of water, and spray yourself when you get hot. And drink lots of water tank-tops are great for summer weather, so are skirts and shorts. So dress, stay hydrated and hopefully have a good time even if it's hot. Or you can always put ice down your back---ha-ha.

Heres a link to my "Staying Cool in Summer, Pinterest board"

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