Monday, December 21, 2015

Homemade,Vanila Boddy Butter, Cream

My hands are always dry. Especially in the harsh winds of the winter! Do your hands get dry easy. Well here is a recipe for lotion. It may not look that appealing to the eye but it is helpful on dry hands. And it's made with natural ingredients.


bees wax 1/8 of an cup

Shea butter 1/8 of an cup

Vanilla extract 1/2 of an tablespoon

Baby oil 1/2 of an tablespoon

Baking soda 1/4 of an teaspoon

Sunflower oil 1/4 of an teaspoon


melt bees wax and shea butter in microwave. Add other ingredients to bees wax and shea butter and heat up for 10 seconds in microwave. pour into dish and let it firm up.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Bell Wreath Ornament

Do you need a fast and easy Christmas ornament to make? As a gift or for your tree. But don't want it to look like a child made it ( no offence, children.)Here is one that is all that.

You need too different sized bells (big and small.)
You can use different colors if you want, to make it fancy.

All you do is alternate the bells on a wire. When you have it as big as you want it ,twist the wires together. To finish it off tie a ribbon at the top ,were you twisted it together.

Thanks to Frugal Family Home for this craft.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Water Color Pencil Art

I thought I knew how to do water pencils. But I found out I did not! I thought you just color on the paper then put some water on it right? No!

I got a kit that teaches you how to use them. You have to add just the right amount of water, it is a real art. there is more than one tetchiness, you can draw then wet the color, you can wet the paper and draw on it or get the pencil wet and draw.

My kit that I got has a set of pencils that come with it, a pencil sharpener, several outlined drawing you can color in and step by step instructions for each one. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

3D paper Christmas Tree

Christmas is getting near. Do you want decorations for Christmas. Here is a 3D stand up Christmas trees to make. It is really very easy!

 All you need to do is to cut out three paper, Christmas trees of your preference of size and color. Then you will need to fold each tree in half and glue the sides together.

We cut out little ornaments and a little star to glue on to the tree too.  

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

sea monkey update

Now all my sea monkeys have died again I am so disappointed. i thought I would try it one more time so... I sent in for new eggs, to get from the company. Because a got a slip of paper with my kit. That if you sent that in with money (I had to send three dollars, it may depend on where you live.) They will send you the water purifier and the eggs.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Making a Simple Pillow

If you need a pillow and want to make it, but do not have much experience.This is a simple pillow to make. I will tell you how here.

1. Get the fabric of your choice.
2. Cut into a square.
3.Fold in half, wrong side out
4.Sew three sides.
5.Turn right side out.
7.Sew the last side up

Now you have a pillow you made by yourself.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Craft Disaster, Two button Bowl

I like making things. I had seen a photo of a bowl made out of buttons. It did not have very good instructions. I thought I could make it  by myself. 

So I blew up a balloon, put glue all over it and started putting buttons on. I thought that will work right? And then pop the balloon at the end when all the glue is dry. WRONG! 

All the button's ended up falling off. I had a huge mess. And ended up with a clear floppy bowl, made of glue. With two button's on it.

Monday, September 14, 2015

How to Make a Paper Cannon with Paper Bullets

1. Get a piece of paper and roll it into a tube,tape it.

2. punch a whole in the top of the tube.

3.Roll a norther piece of paper into a slightly smaller tube,tape it

4. Cut a square of paper out and wrap it around one of the tube so there is no opening (like in the 
photo below) use tape to fasten it.

5. Punch a whole in the top of the tube.

6. Now tie a string between the two tubes.
7. Cut several strips of paper, roll them up and tape. (these are the bullets)

To Play:

Put the bullets in the end and push the closed tube,though the other tube.

Monday, August 31, 2015

how to grow a flower

I will instruct you in how to grow a flower. Get a pot to plant your flower in. then get some soil or potting mix. Put your soil in the pot. Poke a whole in the soil for the seed. Then pick a nice seed out. Put the seed in the whole careful not to drop it. Cover the whole with dirt again maybe with you finger, make shirr not to squash it. Water well do not over water through. make shirr that it is going to get lots of sun if it is not move it to a new spot were it will. Water often but do not over water it too much water is not good. That is how you grow a flower  

Monday, August 17, 2015

How to Make a chain link of Bollons

Step one: blow up three or more animal balloons.

Step two: tie the first one of them at the end to make a circle.

Step three: now put the second one through the circle you gust made and tie it.

Step four: twist it in the middle to make an eight.

Now repet steps three and four.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Monday, August 3, 2015


I thought this was cool. It is a paper safe with. It's not a permanent safe. But is cool and fun for kids to make. Here is the link if you want to try it.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Monday, July 20, 2015

About the Body

Our bodies have joints,muscles,and bones to help us step and relocate to new places.

The joints,muscles,and bones work together so we can relocate anywhere. Bones are

completely solid. Muscles are what will support us when we stand. Joints and bones meet

and that’s what makes your knee pivot. Muscles are like rubber bands. They stretch when

you extend your arm and release when you release your arm. The muscles which pull on

the bones help you stand and maneuver.

When you gorge food it goes into your digestion system and the food gets smaller and

smaller. You chew your food so you can swallow it easier so when you put it in

your mouth you keep chewing and chomping with your teeth.When you swallow it goes

into your  esophagus then into your stomach. Then the tiny pieces go into your

bloodstream. Then the waste goes through the very largely built intestine which then goes

to the anus.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Photo of the Week

Our dogs before they were fiends, they had too sleep back to back.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cool down!

I like it cool 75 degrees at the most. It has been hot in the 90s for two weeks now. It is finally getting in the 80s and 70s now. I am so happy.

We set up our pool. We have been going in it every day. I would rather it be raining than sunning.

Do you like hot or cool weather?
What is the weather like were you live?

Photo of the Week

Monday, July 6, 2015

Home made body Lotion

We made this lotion bars it is supper easy! We put them into star shaped molds. I use it for my hands, feet even my face. It is made of all natural stuff. And it smells good because it has bees wax in it.

Monday, June 29, 2015


I caught this moth little did I know I was going to care for it till death. I noticed it was missing a leg, I don’t know if it was just injured or it I injured it. I sure hope I didn’t. So I looked up “how to care for an injured moth”. I got lots of answers but they all said “kill it” “you can’t save it”
“it’s going to die”. But me being an animal lover said “no!” So I cared for it each day. I put a rock, some water and a cotton ball soaked in sugar water in there. Every day I would replace the food and make sure it had enough water. It kept losing legs. Petty soon it only had one leg. But I kept caring for it.    
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