Monday, March 2, 2015

Simple Toys can be Fun (Simon Review)

I got a Simon swipe for a gift. I’ll be honest at first I looked at it and thought what is this? What do I do with a disc with buttons? What fun is that? But after I figured out what it was (for all of you that are wondering like I was it is a game) it was really fun to play with. Now I play with it whenever I can. This is a great game!

It is a disc and  it has 8 buttons all of which light up. It is a memory game it will show you one light and you touch it then it will add one and you will have two remember both. It keeps adding one each time until you get one wrong. Then you have too start over. That is only an example of one game it has four different games on it. it has levels you can pick from. It has a extreme one if your really good. It has a two or more player mode, and it has a touch only mode if you don’t like the swiping.

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