Monday, December 21, 2015

Homemade,Vanila Boddy Butter, Cream

My hands are always dry. Especially in the harsh winds of the winter! Do your hands get dry easy. Well here is a recipe for lotion. It may not look that appealing to the eye but it is helpful on dry hands. And it's made with natural ingredients.


bees wax 1/8 of an cup

Shea butter 1/8 of an cup

Vanilla extract 1/2 of an tablespoon

Baby oil 1/2 of an tablespoon

Baking soda 1/4 of an teaspoon

Sunflower oil 1/4 of an teaspoon


melt bees wax and shea butter in microwave. Add other ingredients to bees wax and shea butter and heat up for 10 seconds in microwave. pour into dish and let it firm up.

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