Friday, April 26, 2013

Do It Yourself homemade Placemat

I am going to tell you how to make a laminated placemat today.

What you will need

1.Two sheets of paper(preferably two different colors)
2.A ruler
4.Laminating paper(or if you don’t have laminating paper packaging tape will work just as good)

Steps for making the placemat

1.Take the piece of paper that you are going to use for your backing on your placemat. Fold it in half.
2. Lay the ruler on the paper, use the ruler as a guide to draw lines on the paper. Draw a line from the bottom where you folded the paper to about an inch below the top where the ends of the paper meet up. (Make sure the lines are as closes to evenly spaced as you can get them.)  (Or you can make them wavy if you want to give the placemat a design )
3.Cut on those lines you made.
4. Now take the second piece of paper lay it on the table or anything hard. Lay the ruler on the paper and draw several straight lines on the paper each evenly spaced. (Or you can make them wavy if you want to give the placemat a design )
5. Cut on those lines. You will have several strips of paper now.
6. Now weave the strips of paper you made though the cuts on the first piece of paper, in a pattern such as… down, up down, up, down, up. Do that all the way across with one piece, and then start on another. Keep doing that until it is all the way to the bottom.

Steps for laminating your placemat with packaging tape

1. Get some clear packaging tape.
2. Lay your placemat on a table or any hard surface.
3. Cover the placemat with packaging tape, with pieces a little longer than the placemat.
4. When you are dune flip the placemat over and fold over the tape onto the bake side.

Steps for laminating your placemat with sheet laminate

1. Place the placemat on the sheet of laminate.
2. Fold the laminate in half with the placemat still in the laminate.
3. Mark a line where you need to cut it.
4. Cut on that line
5. Peel the covering off the laminate.
6. Place the placemat on the sticky part of the laminate.
7. Fold the laminate in half so it covers the whole placemat.
8. Trim to size.

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