Monday, June 18, 2018

How to Make A Tablet Case

Do you have a tablet, and need something to protect it? But you don't want to spend an arm and a leg for it? Well, I have a way you can make a nice but cheap case.

You will Need

Hot Glue
            Optional Supplies
Sewing Machine
Hair Tie

W x 3 + ½ inch
L X 2 + ½ inch

Step One: Cut the fabric for your tablet.

Step Two: Fold in half widthwise and turn the wrong side out. Put a hair tie (half way)in at one of the tops   (if desired(you may halve to tape it in place.) 

Step three: Sew ¾ the way around. You can use hot glue if you don't have a Sewing Machine.

Step Four: Turn it right side out. 

Step Five: Cut three sheets of cardboard, glue them inside the pocket.  

Step Six: Sew the opening shut. Sew in-between each piece of cardboard.

Step Seven: Fold one third and sew on each side, so you will now have a pocket

Step Eight: If you put a hair tie in step two, then you will need a button to secure it. Hand sew a button on where the hair tie will reach, it may help to make a small pen mark in the center of the hair tie.

The pocket may be a little tight for your tablet at first, if needed push both your hands in and stretch it a little.

Now you have made a tablet case. I hope you like it and it works well for you!   

Monday, June 4, 2018

How to Make your own Pots

Do you like gardening? Do you like DIY projects? Are you thrifty/cheap? Well, I have a DIY project that will meet all throughs criterias. I love gardening, flowers, and vegetables!

I love getting my hands dirty, it shows hard work!We sometimes get plant starts from the store, but we usually start then by seed. Do you start then by seed or plants?

Anyway, I have a way you can make seedling pots to start your plants in. All you need is newspaper! We get the newspaper at our house but of course, you can get it at almost any store too.

These pots are also Eco-friendly. They will decay naturally when you are done with them and through then away. That means if you wanted you could also pot them straight in the ground and they will naturally compost.

Watch the video to see how to make these simple and
Eco-friendly pots.