Monday, January 16, 2017

How Toys Changed through the Years

Do you have a child, grandchild, nice or nephew? Do you remember that feeling when you gave them that first toy, or any toy for that matter? I think everyone wants to have that feeling. Toys have changed dramatically over the years. Here is a look back on all the great toys.

1800s-1.drums 2.tops 3. domino's

1820s-1.wooden doll 2.tea set

1840s-1.teddy bears

1860s-1.alphabet blocks 2.miniature diner sets


1900s-1.teddy bears 2.Lincoln logs


1940s-1.slinky 2. board games 3. silly putty

1960s-1. Etch-a-sketch 2.twister

1980s-1.Care Bear

2000s-1.scooter 2.brat z dolls 3.Xbox 360 4. Nintendo Wii

2010s-1. Nerf guns 2.leaper explorer

Now(2016)-1. sky viper drone furby connect 3.pretend and play school set 4.pie face game 5. combo toy robot 6. poke-men z ring

Honorable mentions:

Tickle me Elmo- in 1990s

Hula-hoop-in 1950s

Operation-in 1960s

Nintendo-in 1980s

Monday, January 2, 2017

Frozen Review

I don't usualy put up movie reviews up. I post about things I love, and I loved this movie!

I am not one too watch movies. It was going to be on the television, and my brother wanted to watch it. I kinda rolled my eyes and said to myself "OK this is gonna be stooped but there nothing el's on TV, so we'll watch it, and I should be nice and watch his show once in a while" It was not stooped at all!

It had drama, romance, saddens, it was a great show. It is a cartoon. But it is not at the same time. It is not just for girls or boys, kids or adults it is for everyone of every age.

Frozen came out about three years ago. They are going to relies a Frozen 2 in 2018 (from what I've read). We don't go to the movie theaters so, I will watch that one when it comes out on TV or I might even get it on DVD.