Monday, January 16, 2017

How Toys Changed through the Years

Do you have a child, grandchild, nice or nephew? Do you remember that feeling when you gave them that first toy, or any toy for that matter? I think everyone wants to have that feeling. Toys have changed dramatically over the years. Here is a look back on all the great toys.

1800s-1.drums 2.tops 3. domino's

1820s-1.wooden doll 2.tea set

1840s-1.teddy bears

1860s-1.alphabet blocks 2.miniature diner sets


1900s-1.teddy bears 2.Lincoln logs


1940s-1.slinky 2. board games 3. silly putty

1960s-1. Etch-a-sketch 2.twister

1980s-1.Care Bear

2000s-1.scooter 2.brat z dolls 3.Xbox 360 4. Nintendo Wii

2010s-1. Nerf guns 2.leaper explorer

Now(2016)-1. sky viper drone furby connect 3.pretend and play school set 4.pie face game 5. combo toy robot 6. poke-men z ring

Honorable mentions:

Tickle me Elmo- in 1990s

Hula-hoop-in 1950s

Operation-in 1960s

Nintendo-in 1980s

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