Monday, December 19, 2016

Book Review ( Thimble Summer)

Here is a review of a book a enjoyed.

This book has 10 chapters. It is a vary good book. The chapters are short, witch I like. If the chapters are to long I get board. Garnet is a farm girl in the story.

I will give you a teaser of each chapter, but I will not spoil the book for you. But I am not a reader and I wanted to read this book every chance I got!

Chapter 1: The silver thimble---Garnet finds a silver thimble down by the lake and thinks it's good luck.

Chapter 2: The coral bracelet---Garnet and her friend listen to a story.

Chapter 3: The lime kiln---Garnet and all her family and friends get together to do a night long job.

Chapter 4: The stranger---An orphan comes to find some food.

Chapter 5: locked in---Garnet and a friend get locked in a library.

Chapter 6: Journey---Garnet decides to run away.

Chapter 7: As a “rag picker's pocket”---She continues her journey.

Chapter 8: Fair day---Garnet enters her pig in a fair.

Chapter 9: Ice cream cones and blue ribbons---her pig wins, but she is not there!

Chapter 10: The silver thimble---She said the silver thimble did give her good luck.

Thursday, December 15, 2016


This is our snowman

My dog likes the snow, well a little. 😄
The birds even come in the snow.
We built a snowman today. We got About an inch or maybe two of snow.

Photo of the Week

My dog running.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Arm sleave Dog Sweater (small)

Now it's getting towards winter. And getting cold outside, if you have dogs they are certainly bound to get cold just like you. Would you like to make them a sweater. or even a Christmas gift? This is a easy and simple arm sleeve sweater.

Do you have old sweaters laying around? If not you can easily get some Goodwill or your local thrift Market. we have small dogs a dachshund chiweenie a wiener dog dachshund mix. the sweaters are made for small dogs. If you have a large dog this pattern may not work for you.

Take a sweater and cut one of the arms off. Now figure out where the dog legs,will go two holes in the appropriate spot for them. I only made two holes for the front feet only sweater I made.But if  yours is long enough that you need for front and back feet holes you can cut those. you can sell around the hole if you want to but it is not necessary.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Easy DIY count Down to Christmas

It's almost Christmas time. Do you have kids? Do they like to count the days  till Christmas?  Make a simple countdown to Christmas with them. It is so simple they could probably do it themselves really.

First start with about 4 pieces of paper (you can get more if you need).  Fold the paper into a fan,cut two inches Wide Strips. get as many strips out of one piece of paper as you can.

Use a glue stick and glue 2 of the squares together. Make sure it will unfold properly before you glue it. because if you don't it will be unfolding back word.

make enough squars and glue them together so you have 25 squares. Now number them 1-25 on the folded paper .   Punch a hole and put a string through it. Now you have a simple countdown to Christmas calendar. Cut off 1 square day each day so you and your child can keep track of how many days till Christmas or left. Have fun!

OPTIONAL: You can put tape at the top before you punch the hole so the string will not pull though.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Nutty Animals

These are our pets. Every time we make deviled eggs the pets go nutty. I do not know how but the know the difference of when we are making scrambled eggs or deviled eggs. Watch this video of what they do it is so cute an funny.

Monday, October 10, 2016

How to Make an Upcycled Dog Harness

Okay today I'm going to teach you how to make a 2-in-1 dog harness, you can use this harness as a harness and A leash.

This hardness is very easy to make at home from upcycled materials.

There are some video tutorials that will take you through the process step by step,to show you how to do it.

                                                      How to make the t-shirt yarn
                                             How to meshure the dog for the harness

                                                       How to make the harness

                                             How to put the harness on the dog

WARNING: This harness is not to be pulled on extremely hard, if it is it may fray and brake. If you see any fraying I strongly suggest to make a new one, for your pet's safety. I am not responsible for anything that happens to your pet with or without the 2 in 1 harness.

Monday, September 26, 2016

DIY Make a Balloon Flower

here's how to make A balloon flower. You can use them for party's or gifts.


  1. Inflate A animal balloon. Leave an about an inch at the end not inflated.
  2. Tie the ends together.
  3. Twist the balloon two times, so you have tree sections.
  4. Fold all three sections in half, hold and twist. Now you should have a flower.


  1. Blow up a animal balloon. (preferably green) Leave about two inches at the end.
  2. Push A small amount of air up the UN-inflated portion.
  3. Fold part of the balloon in half and twist to make a leaf. Make two leafs.
  4. Push the UN-inflated part in the middle of the balloon

  • And here's a video:

  • Monday, September 12, 2016

    20+ Ideas for fall

    Go leaf hunting

    Carve a pumpkin

    Go camping

    Go highking

    Roast pumpkin seeds

    Go kite flying

    Make pop-corn

    Watch a movie

    Go swimming

    Jump in a pile of leaves

    Make table setting tags

    Play hop-scotch

    Go cloud watching

    Monday, August 29, 2016

    How to raise Fruit Flies

    How to Raise a Coltur of Fruit Fly's. We had two praying mantis for a wile. So we had to have some food for them. We did not want to buy a expensive fruit fly farm. We found how to make your own here. The mesherments are not in standred form and we had a little trouble with them, so I will give you the measurements that worked for us.

    2oz of beer

    3 tablespoons of potato flakes

    2 ½ teaspoons of vinegar

    1/8 a teaspoon of yeast

    Mix the beer, potato flakes and vinegar together then add the yeast. It should look smooth and creamy when you are done.

    Monday, August 1, 2016

    DIY Dog Chew toy

    I will teach you how to make a dog “Chew Rope” toy. So if you want to make a toy for your dog this is a good way.

    Step One: Cut 27 pieces of yarn about 4 feet long.

    Step Two: Cut 1 piece of yarn to 3 feet long, that will act as a ruler.

    Step Three: Take 3 pieces of the 4 foot yarn, tie them all together at the top.

    Step Four: Use a piece of tape to hold the pieces to a table.

    Step Five: braid the three pieces together,in a traditional braid.

    Step Six:When you think it is long enough, measure with the 3 foot piece of yarn. You want it at least this long.

    Step Seven:If it is long enough tie it off at the end of the braid.

    Step Eight : Cut the ends off that are not braided. Leave just about ½ an inch below the knot, so it won't come untied.

    Step Nine: repeat steps steps 3-8 for the rest of the strings. you should have nine braids.

    Step Ten: take three of your braids, tie all of them together 1-2 inches down from the top.

    Step eleven: braid 3-5 inches. Tie a knot a the bottom of the braid.

    Now comes the tricky part, but you can do it!

    Step twelve: you might have more lose below the knot, at the bottom than at the top. If you do 1-2 inches down pinch the braid between your fingers and cut it just below that. Now retie it, do that for all three braids.

    Step Thirteen: repeat steps 10-12. You should now have three braids. (make sure to make the braids on all three as close to size as you can)

    Step Fourteen: tie the three braids together, tape them to the table, braid all three braids together once you reach the end of the braids tie a knot at the bottom. Now you are done!

    Monday, July 18, 2016

    Home Made Painted Drift Wood (Imitation) photo Frame

    In this article I will teach you how to make a “picture frame tat looks like drift wood”. To make it you need, some, card board, a photo of coarse, newspaper, glue and a pen. To make the drift wood pieces, use a pen cartage and roll the paper around it, from corner to corner, then put a dab of glue on it to keep it rolled. But first cut a piece of cardboard out a little bigger than your photo, glue the photo in the middle. Cut a smaller piece of card board out, bend it in half so theirs a crease and glue one side of the crease to the back, to help it stand up. Now glue your news paper rolls around the photo. Let dry. Then paint (optional)


    After I had my frame for a wile, the back stand started to not hold it up as well, So you may want experiment with that.(I might try using a piece from a milk carton or gluing a second piece of card board behind the other so it's more in the shape of a box.)

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