Saturday, December 20, 2014

How to Make a Snowflake out of a Coffee Filter

Have you ever made a paper snowflake? I have? But did you ever think of cutting in out of a coffee filter?

Monday, December 8, 2014

homemade snow globe

  1.  Get a mason jar(or some other jar with a lid) I used an empty glider jar.
  2. If the jars lid has holes take a cardboard piece and cover it with duct tape (because most duct tape is water proof) and stuff it inside of the lid.

3.Fill the container with water.
4.Put a little glitter in the water.
5.Put the lid on tight.

you can even glue a small snowman or some other ornament in there. Just make sure to use hot glue, because that will stand up to the water , (at least that is my experience) or use another glue that is water resistant.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Wild Weather

We have been going from rain to wind to sun to ice and snow and sometimes just plain cold.A few weeks ago it was windy,not like a breeze. We had up to 70mph gusts of wind, it was strong enough to snap off the top of our tree, fortunately no one was hurt.

then we had a day where we had rain,snow,ice rain, rain,snow,ice rain all day.

Then we started to have sun and it was in the high 50s sometimes 60s every day. it was still windy but not as bad.That lasted for about a week.

now the we heard on the weather it is going it snow again and ice rain. the high is suppose to be 38 one day.

Christmas Decorations

We  usually wait to set up the Christmas decorations until the day after thanksgiving. But this year we set up the Christmas tree and the outdoor lights on thanksgiving afternoon. The following (today) day we set up the rest of the Decorations, in the house.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Fall Decorations

Need a last minute decoration for fall or thanksgiving. These leaf decorations are great.You can see how to make them, plus a printable temp-let of the leaves,here.

Monday, November 10, 2014

How to Bathe a Dog

    We have two small dogs. One is mine and one is my brothers. I usually end up bathing both of them. I don’t mind. But they can be quite a handful sometimes,( trying to jump out of the tub and all.)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

New Bed

my old one

this is not my old bunk bed but it will give you a better idea.

my new one

I have had a white metal bunk bed for years. Mt parents recently got a new white day bed for me. We spent all day putting my new bed together. Thanks to my mom and it is in one piece now.
Sorry; I do not have a picture of my old bunk bed. You would have thought in all those years I could have taken one picture of it. No! All I have is a photo of the top of the bed. But you get the idea of what it looked like.
Every day since we got the bed my younger brother keep asking, “when are we going to put the bed together” (it was in three packages). Then when it took all day I think he got a little board. I think he thought it was like an hour or less job. But now I have a nice new bed.  

Monday, October 20, 2014

Art class

I am doing an art class for school. Some of the lessons are quite hard. I think I’m getting better though. I have always liked to draw; I am what you call a right brained person. I can picture things in my mind. Everyone has always said that I was really good at drawing. Now that I am doing an art class I am learning some new techniques. My drawing is slowly getting better. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

How to start a Onion in Water

Step One: get an onion.
Step two: get a cup with a small enough opening, so the onion will not fall in the cup.

Step Three: fill the cup with water almost to the top.

Step Four: put the onion in so the bottom juts hits the water.

In the water it will grow roots. When it has a good amount of roots you can plant it in a pot or in a garden. But don’t wait to long to plant it like I did. If you do it will get all soft and it will go bad.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Photo of the Week

Humming bird taking a bath in the running water in our fountain.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Faith, school Outline

One bright sunny day in 1208 Francis woke up and decide to praise the Lord Christ Jesus. If you have the gospel in your heart you will be greatly disciplined in Gods word. On your journey towards God you will have to exhort the sinners to be able to move forward towards you repentance. Soon Francis found himself with an empty wallet, but he knew that the kingdom of God was looking after him. Recently after that he got on his feet and found his vocation. All people should have the gospel in there hearts, which will able them to share that peace and love with others.

Monday, September 29, 2014

having Fun with a Projecter

This is a projector. You can draw pictures on it and turn it on, walla you see your picture where ever you shine it. You can stand it up and shine it on the ceiling. But I find you can see the picture a lot better if you put it on it's side.

You can draw what ever you want. It is quite fun!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fairy Garden Review

I got this garden as a gift. I really like it! It comes with assorted bean seeds and grass seeds. It also comes with a little fairy, a fairy house (to be painted), purple rock to decorate with, fairy dust (sparkles) and a few other things. I have planted in this garden two times now. I did add more dirt because it does not come with much dirt.  

Things that is good about it.

1.     It is portable.
2.     You get to paint it.
3.     It is very pretty once they sprout (witch does not take very long).
4.     The pot is small, if you’re limited on room.

Things that are not the best about it.

1.     It does not have very much dirt.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Photo of the Week

Trying to take a photo. Can you make that out?

It's plants in a pot.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pretty pet's collar

Take three pieces of yarn, all different colors. Make the pieces long enough to go around your pet’s neck twice. Tie all three of the pieces together a few inches in from the top. Braid them together long enough to go around your pets neck, plus a little just so you’re sure it won’t be too small. Tie a not at the end of the braid so it won’t come undone. Repeat that process three times so you have three braids.

Now hold all three braids together and tie a not at the top so it holds the braids together. Braid all three of the magnificent braids together. Tie a not at the bottom. Tie the collar to fit on your pet’s neck (not to tight, since this collar will have no connection, it will need to be big enough to fit over the pets head.) Cut the strings that hang down so they don’t drag on the floor.  Realize this is only a pretty collar (not meant too replace the main collar.)    

Friday, August 29, 2014

A hanging feeder, that’s really for the birds. And home made bird and squirrel food.

I and my family really like to see the birds and the squirrels in our back yard, especially the little birds. So I and my brother made a feeder out of an old mayo jar. When that one didn’t work so well we moved on to another one. Here is the link for it.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Dairy free Soy milk Cold Drink

I started making this drink for my parents when I was young. I did not know it was going to be good. It’s one of those things you don’t really think about as a child, you just want to make something for them by yourself, to be proud of yourself and make them happy. But to my surprise it was good! So I started making it for myself too.

It is a perfect drink for the summer. It is nice on hot days. So I am going to tell you how to make it.

1.      get a cup out
2.      put a small amount of ice in the cup
3.      now put a small amount of soy milk in the cup
4.      repeat steps two & three until the cup is full

Friday, August 15, 2014

Funny Pictures

Me trying to take a picture of myself.
My brother taking a picture of me, wile i am taking a picture of him.

The cat with one of my old doll hats on.

A very over heated dog.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Photo of the Week

A Lego tower we made it went all the way up to the ceiling.