Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pretty pet's collar

Take three pieces of yarn, all different colors. Make the pieces long enough to go around your pet’s neck twice. Tie all three of the pieces together a few inches in from the top. Braid them together long enough to go around your pets neck, plus a little just so you’re sure it won’t be too small. Tie a not at the end of the braid so it won’t come undone. Repeat that process three times so you have three braids.

Now hold all three braids together and tie a not at the top so it holds the braids together. Braid all three of the magnificent braids together. Tie a not at the bottom. Tie the collar to fit on your pet’s neck (not to tight, since this collar will have no connection, it will need to be big enough to fit over the pets head.) Cut the strings that hang down so they don’t drag on the floor.  Realize this is only a pretty collar (not meant too replace the main collar.)    

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