Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Photo of the Week

This cat has a lovely cat bed would you guess? She loves sleeping in the toy refrigerator.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Test your Gramer and Spelling Skills

 Test Yourself
Me and my brother like to play together. My brother likes to play with Lago bloks. We both like too skate. i have a dog named sadie. My brother has a dog namd reuben. We like to do experiments. We also have a cat named Gava. (prenownced gee-a-vee-a.)

I don’t want you to be temped to peek at the answers. So I have separated them, if you want to see the answers click read more.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fizzing Magic


My brother and I love doing science experiments. My brother wanted to do an experiment one day. He wanted to put water, food coloring and baking soda into a container. I thought he was kind of crazy but we did it anyway.

My mom suggested to put some vinegar in (I think she knew what would happen, but just wasn’t telling.) So we took it up to the tub (to keep the mess contained.) When we dumped the vinegar in we had a big surprise. Watch this short video to find out or just be surprised like we were.

The first time you make it magic fizz, fizz you will have to put in about one tablespoon full of the vinegar and the baking soda and dump them into the tub of water (the container should be about half full with water) at the same time. If you want to do it again only put in about one teaspoon of the vinegar. You do not have to put in the baking soda. That way it saves on produces too.
What you will need:
A container (like a plastic tub, a bowl or a water bottle)



Baking soda

Food coloring (optional) (even if you do color the water
 it will not fizz that color, it just makes it look cool)

Photo of the Week

Our birdbath after snow and ice.