Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How to Make a Cat Bed out of a Box

Today I will instruct you on how to make a cat bed out of an box. This is supper easy to make and your cat will love it!

Step One: Get a box, if it has a flap on the top cut that off. You do not want the box to be to big gust big enough that you cat can curl up in it.

Step Two: get a towel,blanket,pillow or any thing soft. Put it in the bed, make sure there is at least two inches between the top of the box and the blanket.

Now you have a cat bed for you cat. It might take time for your cat to get familiar with it before she/he gets in it. If you want to entice your cat to get in put some cat nip in the bed or a favorite toy.   

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