Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Test your Gramer and Spelling Skills

 Test Yourself
Me and my brother like to play together. My brother likes to play with Lago bloks. We both like too skate. i have a dog named sadie. My brother has a dog namd reuben. We like to do experiments. We also have a cat named Gava. (prenownced gee-a-vee-a.)

I don’t want you to be temped to peek at the answers. So I have separated them, if you want to see the answers click read more.

Here are the mistakes, they are typed in red.

Me and my brother like to play together. My brother likes to play with Lago bloks. We both like too skate. i have a dog named sadie. My brother has a dog namd reuben. We like to do experiments. We also have a cat named Gava. (prenownced gee-a-vee-a.)

Could you figer out what all the mistakes were? If not here is the correct way.

 My brother and I like to play together. My brother likes to play with Lego blocks. We both like too skate. I have a dog named Sadie. My brother has a dog named Reuben. We like to do experiments. We also have a cat named Gava. (pronounced gee-a-vee-a.)

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