Monday, April 27, 2020

How to Keep Yourself and Others safe and Well , What to Do When Your Stuck at Home.

To answer your first question.....Is coronavirus (COVID 19) serious? yes. It is very serious. If you get it it can be very bad or detrimental. Any sickness is serious. Maybe you think a cold is just a cold. The flu is no big deal. It is not for most people but any sickness can be very serious for anyone. But especially the elderly and the ones that have underlying health problems. I am one of those people. looking at me I look perfectly healthy. But if I get sick it can be very bad for me.

Do you know how many people die from the flew each year? 30,000 people on average. Think about, and that's only the flu. Don't go out unless you absolutely must. You could get it and die worse yet someone you love could. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!

Even though we are in a vary weird time. And lots of people are struggling with things we take for granted every day. In some ways it will bring us closer together. Even if you are one of the overwhelming majority of people quarantined, stay in touch with family. And remember what today is all about.
Jesus died on the cross, and rose again  for our sins, and He will help us through this too.

Stay together while staying apart.

Monday, April 6, 2020

How to Stay Well all Year long

Are you always getting sick, whether it be the cold or flu or maybe just a mild sniffle? Are you tired of it? It is still annoying. Am I right? Know one wants to be sick. 

Well, I have a few simple ways to help you stay well. Are you ready?

  1. Wash your hands
It seems simple. But it is easy to forget. 
Always wash your hands before meals. And also when you get home from outings. Shoes, shopping carts, doorknobs and much more are often covered in germs.

2. Cleanser
If you can't get to a sink you can use hand wash or hand wipes