Monday, December 18, 2017

Frozen 2

Frozen is a great movie, have you seen it?

“Frozen 2”is coming out soon!Have you ever seen “Frozen”? It is a

Do you have a “Frozen fan”? Here is a count down clock too “Frozen 2.”

Monday, December 4, 2017

20 Sweet Treats for Christmas and All Year Around

Remember when you were little and you would get to go to the candy store, and get a treat? How exiting that was. What if you could make some of thous candy's at home, well you can! here are some step-by-step candy recipes.

 I have included  a few dairy free sweat treats too. If you can't have dairy that does not mean you can't have treats. I have too eat dairy free and there is still plenty of treats I enjoy.

Every desert you might want, I have tried to include. From a gingerbread house to cupcake pies and cookies to fudges.

homemade peanut brittle

marbled mint candy

christmas candy,peanut clusters

vanilla mint fudge

cinnamon, hard candy

easy and delicious white chocolate cranberry squares

peppermint meringues

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Photo of the Week

My past dag Sadie. She was a graet dog. She was almast 16 when she died.
Here she is sleeping!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Helping dogs

I love animals, do You?  we were out in the car. We saw guide dogs and their owner's training together.  it was so touching to see. the dong would guide the blind man, and a designated color would drive right in front of them!  I would think will the dog stop him in time or not?  Every time they die song stop the person and jerked him back out of danger. they lacked the block 3 or 4 times. we saw several people training with their dogs.

I love to see When Animals help people. When people think of a service dog what do you think, you think of a guide dog for the blind…. right? That is not always the case though there are lots of other kinds of services Dogs. It does not even always have to be a dog.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Now or Latter?


Be honest we all have that drawer that is a mess, and we just shove stuff into because we don't want to take the time to organize it. Every one of my drawers is like that I can tell you that. If you let them go too long you will have a huge mess and a bigger job. If you do it a little at a time and take your time each time you put it away to make it look nice there won't be a big job. But of course, none of us do that right. I know I don't.
 So today I'm going to show you the difference it can make by just putting stuff away properly. I had a huge mess in my shirt drawer. I had to take it out and organize everything. But I'll tell you what when I was done or was that drawer beautiful and organized. I could actually open and close the drawer without struggling now…. Amazing.
 And you ask well what did you get rid of?  You have to get rid of something to fit them all back in there since they wouldn't fit before. But no I didn't I just organized……. like I should have done before. And now it is all neat and tidy and all fits in nicely.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Review (chronicles of narnia)

I had had theis DVDs forever called the "chronicles of Narnia" I had no clue what they where and I had never watch them so..., I was going to give them to Goodwill till my dad said: "you should keep those and watch them, they're pretty good".
  I finally watched them they were good There is three total, I liked the first one the best. 

The story is of four kids that find a new world. They fight in a war. they see dragons and giants. It has a flying lion wich my brother loved. But I would say, it is not violent at all. I would say it is a family friendly movie for all ages .

Monday, October 9, 2017

Teaching a Dog

basic commands
I taught all of the basic commands first, come is a very important command.

Come: you need your dog to come right away when your dog is called in case it gets into a dangerous situation. for this one you kind of need 2 people you can do it with 1 but 2 is easier. With two people you will want one person to sit at one end of the room or yarn and one at the other. place the dog with one person. the other person needs to have some treats that person will call the dog and hold out the treat the dawn will come running to the person. in turn you will reward the dog with a treat and lots of pets and then the other person will call the dog back and do the same. you will keep repeating this process several times daily. With one person. you will want to have a Long Leash on your dog. And a treat in your hand. You will want to play the dunk in front of you and run back as quick as you can still facing the dog. And say catching him we can get on the saying Come As You Are. when the dog comes you give them the treat and several pets reward them heavily.

 Sit: To teach this command you will want to have treats again. making it fun for your pooch. You will want to raise the treat above your dog's head an. If the dog doesn't automatically sit you will want to gently push on the rump of your dog to make him sit.
Stay: You will want to put them on a leash again. stand in front of them holding the leash having treats in your hand. You will want to step back a few steps wait for a second, then go back to the dog and reward them with the treat and as your dog gets better with staying. you will want to make it farther back and staying there longer each time.

Lie down: put a treat in front of the dog's nose, as you lower it to the ground.  as you say "lie down". If needed put a hand on the dogs back and lightly push down.

Wait: this is a politeness manner. I a treat in front of their nose and tell them to wait. if they go for it tell them no and tap them on their side.

Leave it: To teach this you may want a leash, so you can control them more. get a threat and through it ways away. If your dog starts to go for it say "leave it" then "come". This is where the leash may come in handy. 

To teach the dog to walk next to you. You will want to put the dog on a leash, and walk the dog as normal. Do not pull the leash tight, let it be loose in your hand.
    walk the dog right next to you. If the dog starts to get too far away, give the leash a little jerk and bring him back. As soon as he is beside you again relax the leash.

Now I started teaching some tricks.

Roll over: take a treat. Tell the dog to roll over. Pat at the floor on the opposite side you started on. Guide the dog if needed.

shake: put a treat in one hand, put your other hand in front of the dog. Tell him to "shake". If your pet doesn't get it right away. lift the pets paw and place it in your hand. then give the treat.

Now I know it sounds hokey too but it works. your adatood makes a different, in how your dog listens to you. 

you must be {to quote Cesar Millan}"calm and assertive". Stand up straight and be the leader.
We've taught our dogs that good enough, now we can control them pretty well. Dogs need boundaries if you don't give them that or seem weak they will become the leader.

here are the videos I follow and used for training I hope they will help you too.

Zak George's Dog Training rEvolution

Cesar Millan


youtube video

But most of all even through all the discipline and rules. Your dog must have some time to be reworded and play.

Please feel free to add anything in the comments below, thank you.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Posts soon

I'm sorry I have not had any posts for so long. I have been busy with school and summer fun. I will be posting soon. 

Photo of the Week

Monday, August 28, 2017


I had a whole post written and then I deleted it be mistake.  I kept hitting undo, undo, undo! But it won't work!

so you get an in-promed-do post.

like when you have a paper due the next morning, you stayed up half the night working on it. and then something spilled all over it.

Now on top of that I can't spell anything right.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

How to Make a Snail House

Do you have a pet snail? I will sow you how to make a home for your it'll guy today.

You need to take a plastic box with a lid. You need to punch some wholes in the lid, you can use a drill for this (I didn't) I used a screwdriver to punch the wholes and then I used scissors and twisted them like a drill to get the extra plastic out and make it smooth.

Now you fill an inch or two with dirt. Put a put in so the snail can have some shade.

Now you need to feed your snail. I have fed him lettuce, watermelon, cucumber's and strawberry's. 
here is a video that shows you all that your snail can eat.

I wipe out any muck (by that I mean poop) when needed. I clean the whole home and get new dirt about once a month. make sure to replace the food when needed too.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Caring for Triops (How I Did It)

I had a kit of triops. They did not hatch I even did a review on them. But I wanted to try once more so I got a refill pack. They hatched! I do not know if I didn’t keep them warm enough last time or if the old eggs were too old. I don’t know, all I know is it worked this time. So I will tell you how I cared for my Triops.

I hate it when I have to go to 2, 3, 4 or sometimes more websites to find the information I want. I want to find all the information I

Monday, July 17, 2017


I love to paint my nails. I found a video on YouTube, that showed you how to make marble nails. I thought I would give it a try with my own nail polish, it looked pretty easy in the video.

But look how it turned out. it is quite a mess.

I tried it two times and both times it did not turn out I ended up dumping it all outside. You can not trust everything you see on YouTube, will work for you. I don’t know if i did something wrong or what not but…. The lesson is not to assume evrything you see will work for you.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Hair Calk Review

Today I am going to review a product. this is a kit I got called hair chalk. I got it off of Amazon. Amazon is a very widely known Internet store. I had a gift card for there. My grandma always gives me gift cards for birthdays and Christmases, she does not like to shop for anything.

this product is nice if you like to color your hair but do not like the permanent effect of the coloring you might find at a salon.  or the idea of chemicals being put on your head and having it stink as they put it on comma I've never had hair coloring done but I've had people tell me it just stinks awfully bad.

I do like the idea of a little streak of coloring in your hair though. I it looks quite pretty. But I do not want it to be there all the time because some my mood changes or I want a different color. So if you're like me this is a great product for you. it goes on very nicely it is a  little messy if you get it on your hands or anything like that and do not get it on your clothes because it will not wash out, even though it washes out of your hair I found that out the hard way.

So anyway let's get started with  the thoughts on this product. I rambled on enough already, haven't I?

so this kit (Hair Chalk) Is a great product in my perspective. It is great for a middle-aged girl teenager to even a young adult. It comes with 5 colors I believe. and it also comes with some beads hair and a beading tool which is plastic and I will warn you it will break easy after use for a while or if pulled on hard. You can make a new one out of a paperclip or any wire even string, anything lying around. It comes with instructions to do both of the the hair chalk and the hair beading oh and it comes with (what's those things called duh I can't remember) rubber bands (okay hello what was I saying Again I remember okay) it comes with rubber bands that you can wrap around the piece of hair under the beads to keep them on but I have pretty think hair and I actually found you don't really need the rubber bands.You can use the rubber bands if you want to not, just try them see what works best for you. This kit came with pink purple blue orange and one other color of hair chalk. I like the pink and purple the best you can pick your favorite.

And when you put it in you can put it in one day and take when you take a shower at night it washes right out. So if your mood changes you just want to do it again for fun you want a different color sing like that. you can change it that's what I like about this product it isn't permanent. I do not like anything permanent. I a person who likes to change things even in my room I'm constantly trying to think of new stuff to make and to try.

I have a video here, of me using the product. you can watch the video if you would like to see how it works.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Photo of the Week

How to Make a Bug House

Today I'm going to tell you how to make A bug house.  If you find a bug in the yard that you want to keep or observe you will need a house for it.  This is a very simple bug house that you can make out of everyday household objects. So let's get started.

First you will want to find a small container with a lid.  The next step is to cut a hole in the top of the lid. Now you want to find some fabric that the bug cannot get through but it still haves holes so the bug can breathe. These holes can be microscopic as long as long as air to go through them.
Now you will want to tape the fabric over the hole. I used  duct tape,  because it is quite sticky and strong.

Now you will want to use hot glue on the inside where there is a small space between the fabric and the edge of the hole you cut. You will want to do this so the bug does not get out but also so if the bug crawls up there he does not cut himself. Put the glue all the way around making sure to cover any openings and any sharp spots.

Now you have made a bug house for yourself. You can go out and explore in your yard and try to find a bug to observe.