Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Praying Mantis

My father found a Praying Mantis and he carefully picked it up. He brought it home. We put it in my butterfly hatching habitat. We fed it flies and ants. Kept it about a week then we let it go in our garden.

It was very interesting to watch the Praying Mantis. To watch how it hunts it's pray, and suddenly lunges out and grabs them with his front feet/claws. We furnished the cage with a stick.

When we had that Praying Mantis it ate like a king. They usually eat 1-2 flies every 2-4 days. It was eating 3-4 the first couple of days. Then it slowed down to 1-2 a day. I don't know if it was a over eater or we spoiled it.

We have a record of spoiling animals.

My butterflies got to fat to fly away for awhile.
The snail I have that we rescued has got quite big.
My dog is attached at the hip.
Our cat does whatever she wants, almost.
My brother's dog sleeps almost all day.

Have you ever rescued any kind of animal?
Do you have pets,are they spoiled?
Have you ever seen a Praying Mantis?
Any comment or feedback is aperisheataed

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