Thursday, October 30, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

New Bed

my old one

this is not my old bunk bed but it will give you a better idea.

my new one

I have had a white metal bunk bed for years. Mt parents recently got a new white day bed for me. We spent all day putting my new bed together. Thanks to my mom and it is in one piece now.
Sorry; I do not have a picture of my old bunk bed. You would have thought in all those years I could have taken one picture of it. No! All I have is a photo of the top of the bed. But you get the idea of what it looked like.
Every day since we got the bed my younger brother keep asking, “when are we going to put the bed together” (it was in three packages). Then when it took all day I think he got a little board. I think he thought it was like an hour or less job. But now I have a nice new bed.  

Monday, October 20, 2014

Art class

I am doing an art class for school. Some of the lessons are quite hard. I think I’m getting better though. I have always liked to draw; I am what you call a right brained person. I can picture things in my mind. Everyone has always said that I was really good at drawing. Now that I am doing an art class I am learning some new techniques. My drawing is slowly getting better. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

How to start a Onion in Water

Step One: get an onion.
Step two: get a cup with a small enough opening, so the onion will not fall in the cup.

Step Three: fill the cup with water almost to the top.

Step Four: put the onion in so the bottom juts hits the water.

In the water it will grow roots. When it has a good amount of roots you can plant it in a pot or in a garden. But don’t wait to long to plant it like I did. If you do it will get all soft and it will go bad.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Photo of the Week

Humming bird taking a bath in the running water in our fountain.