Monday, June 23, 2014

How to Make a 4th of July Wreath

Step one: Get two lids off a container. (I used yogurt lids)

Step two: Get a piece of sponge that will fit inside your lid..

Step three: Paint the lids, I prefer the color red or blue. (Optional)

Step four: Get some straws, red, blue and white if you have it. The number of straws will depend on the size of your wreath.

Step five: cut the straws to different lengths.

Step six: Cut the sponge in half, so you have two pieces.

Step seven: Put a good amount of hot glue on one of the lids ( I use hot glue because it drys faster, but school glue would work just fine to)

Step eight: Stick one of the sponges to the glue.

Step nine: Put a glob of school glue on top of the sponge you just glued down (use school glue because it drys slower, and will give you more time to work)

Step ten: Put the straws on top of the glue in the order you would like.

Step eleven: Put hot glue on top of the straws,and stick the other half of the sponge on top.

Step twelve: Put hot glue on top of the sponge on top and stick the other lid on.

Step thirteen: Now the sponge will push apart the wreath, so if you want you can hold the wreath together and glue the sides closed with hot glue (optional)

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