Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Triassic Triops DLX Kit Review

These are triops. Or they should have been Triops. I got a kit and it was not fun, not because they weren’t interesting. I’m sure they would have been very interesting …if the had hatched.

I got a kit of Triops a long time ago. My brother asked what they were one day. I said “triops.” “What’s triops?” he said, I answered “they’re like fish” (they’re really shrimp) of course since he loves fish, every day till we did it he asked “can we do the fish today?”

Finally we did it, and my brother was so exited, I was exited to. We followed the instructions, and they were supposed to hatch in 24-78 hours but they didn’t. We waited 1,2,3,5 days and still nothing. So we dumped that batch. I didn’t give up that easy, I figured I would try again.

We tried again, it did not work. Now I was getting frustrated, but I would try again with what remained of the Triops eggs. My little brother who had little patience had already given up. I tried a third time and it did not work. Now I was really frustrated and disappointed.

The kit I got, had very poor instructions, so I looked up most of my information on the internet. You have to have just the right temperature for the water. It has to have special water, it must be the right temperature but it can’t be in direct sunlight. The box says quote “you just add water” uh…..no. Great, I thought I would just add tap water this will be easy. It takes a little more than just water.

Granted I had the kit for several years, and I don’t know if that made them bad, but the kit says that Triops have lived through droughts, and are designed to hatch as soon as they’re in water. Or if I did the process wrong. I did follow the instructions. I hope if you try Triops you will have better luck.

Any comments or tips are welcome.      

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