Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Triassic Triops DLX Kit Review

These are triops. Or they should have been Triops. I got a kit and it was not fun, not because they weren’t interesting. I’m sure they would have been very interesting …if the had hatched.

I got a kit of Triops a long time ago. My brother asked what they were one day. I said “triops.” “What’s triops?” he said, I answered “they’re like fish” (they’re really shrimp) of course since he loves fish, every day till we did it he asked “can we do the fish today?”

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014

May, 16 2014

Today was a relief in weather after the 80s and 90s, we had been having the last three days. It was cooler today the high is 73. So since it was cool and quite nice, my mom went outside and transplanted some of our plant starts, that we had in plastic pots into our garden. 

My brother and I went outside to play too. We had squirt guns and chalk to play with. We also played with some cloud dough, we had made a long time ago.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day. Are you doing anything special for you mom? Maybe you got her a gift, or just a simple card. or maybe your planning on making breakfast for her. Whatever it is I am sure she will love it.

Monday, May 5, 2014


The other day at our house it was very rainy and windy. Do you like the rain? I like the rain as long as I'm not out in it. like the other day we had had a picnic, and then it started to rain so we had to hurry and get in the car.

It was also very windy. We had to hold our blankets down at times. I have long hair, and my hair was blowing in my face.

We have crazy weather at our house sometimes. For instance, the temperature was 60 last week and the it jumped to 90 a couple days. Now it's back down to 60. A 30 degree influx.   

Friday, May 2, 2014

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