Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Escape Artiest

Now the ladybug has escaped again! I am panicking, thoughts race though my head. Did it get out safe? Is it still in the house? Will I be able to find it? I Looked and looked and I could not find it. It was time for me to do school (I am home-schooled.) I gave up and said I’m not going to find it.

 A hour or two later I was up in my room thinking if I had only put that lid on tighter…and I heard a quiet banging noise in my window.  It was the ladybug! It was banging itself against the window. I had found Turbo! (If you don’t remember or haven’t been following the whole series, Turbo is the name my brother gave the ladybug)

Since it was a warm day, I decided that I should let the ladybug go. Since it obviously wanted out! My mom and I went outside to let it free. It flew off into the world, and was free again!

That is the end of Ladybug Rescue Series. I hope you followed along the way. And I hope you had as much fun reading the stories, as I did caring for it. If you’re thinking you missed out on the thrill on caring for it, just remember reading is a lot less work than caring for it.  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easther

Happy easter! Are you doing anything special? We usually have dinner with our family.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

How to Paint a Picture

 Pick a picture to paint like a flower. You will need a paint brush, paper, paint, and a paint tray or a paper plate, possibly even a smock or an old shirt if you’re messy. Now you have your supplies let us begin.   

Here is how to begin your picture. Put your paint in your paint tray. Get a glass of water to wash your paint brush when you switch colors so you don’t get the colors mixed together. Trace the picture with pencil before you paint, if you want to. Start painting inside of the outline, if there is any. If you didn’t make an outline you can just free hand it. Finish filling in the rest of the picture with bright colors, or any color you want. After you finished with your painting set it out “flat” and let it dry. Then you will have your beautiful picture.      

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cleaning up a Mess!

Today I will tell you how I finely concord my gigantic mess on my floor. I had quite a mess. I just kept piling more and more stuff on top of the pile.

I am one of those people that acknowledges the mess….well most of the time. (Small pieces of paper and things such as that, I could walk right by and not even notice), but that was not my problem here. I noticed the mess, but each day I said to myself “ooh I don’t feel like cleaning it up now I’ll get it tomorrow.” Then tomorrow came and I said the same thing and it never got done. Have you ever done that?

Well I finely decided to declutter my floor. It is still not perfectly clean but it is an improvement. Look at these pictures to see the before and after. You may say ooh my goodness, how can someone get that much stuff piled up on the floor?!

Do you have the same problem I have?
If so are you going to concern your problem, and clean up?

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