Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Escape Artiest

Now the ladybug has escaped again! I am panicking, thoughts race though my head. Did it get out safe? Is it still in the house? Will I be able to find it? I Looked and looked and I could not find it. It was time for me to do school (I am home-schooled.) I gave up and said I’m not going to find it.

 A hour or two later I was up in my room thinking if I had only put that lid on tighter…and I heard a quiet banging noise in my window.  It was the ladybug! It was banging itself against the window. I had found Turbo! (If you don’t remember or haven’t been following the whole series, Turbo is the name my brother gave the ladybug)

Since it was a warm day, I decided that I should let the ladybug go. Since it obviously wanted out! My mom and I went outside to let it free. It flew off into the world, and was free again!

That is the end of Ladybug Rescue Series. I hope you followed along the way. And I hope you had as much fun reading the stories, as I did caring for it. If you’re thinking you missed out on the thrill on caring for it, just remember reading is a lot less work than caring for it.  

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