Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Cristmas

 Marry Christmas and happy New Year! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Do-it tube Garden

Now I did my tube garden from a kit, but of course you can make one from scratch. Just pick up what you need at the store. If you don’t have a tube to put it in a bottle or something such as that will do. I am going to tell you how to grow a plant in a tube.
Step one get two cups, put the gel crystals in one and a seed in another (if you have a kit it will probably say to make three cups of the gel crystals but I found that was way to much so I would just do one cup of the gel crystals) put some water in each cup and let them soak overnight.

Step two put the gel crystals in the tube (if you have any extra gel crystals you can put them in a pot to help keep the water in).

Step three put the seed in the tube about one inch deep.

Step three put the seed in the tube about one inch deep.

Step four set it in either a cup or a stand if you have one (I used a cup).

Step five put it in a sunny and warm place.

Step six when the root reaches the bottom of the tube or bottle transplant it to a pot or a garden.

Step seven clean up any gel crystals or you can put them in the new pot. Make sure to throw away the gel crystals DO NOT PUT THEM DOWN THE SINK DRAIN!

I made my own tube garden out of a kit. Sadly I over watered it and drowned it. I was watering it every day and I think I only needed to water it about once a week. I hope if you give this project a try you will have better luck than myself.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Make your Cat a catnip Toy

I like to make a gift for each of our pets at Christmas. Since Christmas is getting close I started making the gifts. I made our cat a catnip toy. I will show you how to make it today.

Step one take a sock and cut it just below the heal.

Step two crochet two chains one for the ears and one for the tail. Loop the ears around so they look like two ears. (Optional)
Step three hand sew the ears and the tail in place

Step four cut two opposite pieces of velcro. Either hand sew or machine sew them on the top so it will close.

Step five draw a face on it. (Optional)

Step six stuff with stuffing, and put a good amount of catnip in it. Close it tightly.  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is almost here! Have a happy Thanksgiving. Are you doing anything special for Thanksgiving?   

Friday, November 16, 2012

Make your own Power Putty

I am going to show you how to make Power Putty. This is a fun recipe especial for kids. I hope you will enjoy this recipe.

It will be a little sticky at first but after you play with it for a while it will not be so sticky. I made this from a kit, but of course you can pick up all the items you need at the store.

Recipe for Power Putty:

Two tablespoons White glue

½ tablespoon Liquid starch

½ tablespoon Water


1.  Mix ½ tablespoon liquid starch with a ½ tablespoon of water.

2.  Add one tablespoon of white glue to the mixture try to get all the glue out of the measuring cup. Mix well for about one minute.

3.  Add another one tablespoon of white glue. Mix for about one minute again.

4.  Let set for several minutes to thicken.

                                                       As you can see here it is quite sticky.  

                                                       As you can see here it is definitely
                                                                       more like a ball.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Why I like Homeschooling

The reasons I like homeschooling. You get the benefit of working work one on one; which can be helpful at times. It can be hard at times like at any school. You get to work at home where it is quiet, unlike a class room full of other kids. Your  teacher is always close by to help if you need it. And if you are homeschooling most likely it will be one of your family members who is doing the teaching, so you will already know them. So my perspective is that there are hard times but the benefits are much greater than the limitations of homeschooling.   

Friday, October 26, 2012

How to Care for a Cat

Cats can be a little bothersome sometimes even a little crazy. But most of the time they are quite loving. If you are a pet lover you probably like cats. Cats and dogs both have their differences; some would say cats are easier than dogs some would say it’s the other way around. I am going to share with you how to take care of a cat.

To take care of a cat you will need to brush them every day, (especially if they are an outdoor cat).  They will need to have their nails clipped once a week, (you won’t have to do this so often if they are an outdoor cat). They need good food and water like all pets do. They will need toys to play with, (if they like to play, some cat’s like to play some cats don’t). Like all other pets do, they need love and affection. 

                                                                  cat asking for food.                                      


Cat on Table (Bad Kitty!)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Knifty Knitter Review

Can’t knit with two needles? (I never learned) Now you can knit! No need for messy knitting needles. Knifty Knitter is a clean and tidy way to knit without needles. I love my Knifty Knitter. The Knifty Knitter is a very nice tool to have.

The Knifty Knitter has pegs to wrap the yarn around. Just wrap the yarn around the pegs twice and lift the bottom siring over the top one. The Knifty Knitter comes in a four pack, with four different sizes. Just wrap the string around the pegs and start knitting and you’ll be finished sooner than you know with your hat or any other item you choose to make.

I have been using Knifty Knitter for three years or more and I sure enjoy it. I really like it and it is always what I resort to when I need to knit anything. There is not anything that I do not like about it, it is perfect for me since I have never been able to knit with two needles. I would definitely recommend this product.      

You can make all kinds of stuff with the Knifty Knitter! Hats are very simple to make. If you want to get creative you can use multiple colors. If you get to be pretty experienced, you can get even fancier and make skirts or even sweaters. Just remember to have fun and be creative!  

Friday, October 5, 2012

How to Care for a Dog

       Let me share with you how I care for my own dog. Oral care is a importance even in
 dogs. You must brush their teeth once a week (even though it can be a little tricky at times).To keep their coat tangle free you must brush their hair. Make sure to give them a good brush down every day (especially if they are an outside dog) to keep them clean and get all the dander out. Dogs nails can grow too long quickly. Trim your dogs nails weekly so they don’t get too long. Dogs can get quite dirty at times. Make sure to bathe them, not to often though, only when they get dirty or stinky. Exercise is very important to keep your dog healthy and happy They need exercise either by playing in the house or walking outside. Last they need lots of love, care and attention.   




Friday, September 21, 2012

Our Moth Observation Hatchery

  One delightful day we found a caterpillar on our toolshed. It was a beautiful green color with spikes all over it’s body. It slowly crawled up under the eave and made a cocoon (right next to our bird house not the best spot) it was up there for what seemed like months. Then it finally bloomed out of it’s cocoon, it was a huge moth! It hung upside down to dry it’s wings. Then a bird came and knocked it on the ground. The bird was tiring to eat it! It was injured but we still went and carefully brought it to safety in a near by fern. Sadly it still did not live.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Welcome To My Blog

We are just getting started please come back later for updates.
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