Monday, March 2, 2020

Three things you can do to Fix 90% of Dog behaveral Isus

Do you have a unruly dog? My dachshund was, she would bark and bark outside all the time. It was annoying and embarrassing. In a short time 90% of the issue are solved.

Do know how? it sounds like the hokiest thing, something that you would say "that would never work".  But it did for me.
#1"Walking on a leash."
Ok Ok, I know how it sound but stick with me. Most people don't walk there dog properly I know I didn't.
Here's a video that will hopefully help you.
I did not use a slip lead I just used my dogs collar. But the most important thing in my opinion is keeping the dog next to you.And keaping calm because the dog can tell and get's exited from your energy.

#2 thing to do is "not let the dog" out the door before you. That way your dog will know you are the leader.

#3 "Find a trigger" What if your dog does bark? you need to find somethings to snap them out of  the mindset of "bark". Weather that be a noise or something else. But then you need to make sure to go to them and calm them all the way down.

Here's a video that might help: