Monday, December 17, 2018

Decorations & O Holy Night!

We decorated our house for Christmas the day after thanksgiving. When do you do it? Some people like to decorate early, some wait till Christmas Eve.

It is almost Christmas! Make sure you don't forget the true meaning, in all the busyness and family (or whatever you do it Christmas). This is one of my favorite songs!

I hope you like this video. And have a good day and Christmas!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How to Stay Warm in Winter

It's getting cold outside, at least wear I live. Is it cold there? Here are a few tips to stay warm this year.

For in the house slippers and fingerless mittens are good to keep you warm (my hands are always cold). A fire place will heat your house good.

It also helps if you put a short-sleeve shirt or even a tank-top over a long-sleeve shirt.

When you go outside you will want to bundle up. If it's not to cold a heavy duty jacket, and gloves too keep your hands warm, will do the job. Lined boots are nice too.

But if it's freezing you will need a hat too, if it has ear flaps too that's nice. If it's really cold you might even want too double-up your socks and mittens.

And don't forget about your animals. Especially small dogs, put a sweater on them to, if there going outside.