Monday, July 16, 2018

How to Make A Comfort Jacket

I will teach you how to make A Comfort Jacket Or a Squeeze Jacket as I call them.

1. Get an old T-shirt
2. Cut the sleeves off

3. Cut down the middle of the shirt

4. tighten the neck opening, so it fits well around the dog's neck, and sew it closed

you're almost done!

5.wrap the shirt around the dog (snugly), mark where it needs to fasten closed.
6. Add Velcro on both sides were you marked

Put it on the dog! Now you have a cheaply handmade Comfort Jacket.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Carring for A Hurt Butterfly

Once I raised butterflies. I had five beautiful butterflies. Four flew away But one had a hurt wing and it could not fly. So I card for it in the house until it's death. Pore thing, it's wing fell off and always dragged, but it seemed happy. I would get it new food every day. It would climb on my finger and sit there sometimes I would bring a flower in the house and it would sit on it.

It had become my pet. So naturally, a was sad when it died. I had cared and feed it it's whole life since a worm. It had to have a name, so I named it. I gave it the name of Sandy, I thought it was a very fitting name for it, it was also my grandma's name. I will always remember Sandy butterfly.   
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