Monday, January 15, 2018

Hot Glue Necklace

I will show you how to make a hot glue necklace. It is quite simple. You can read, or if you prefer you can watch the video below.

STEP:1 Get a sill pat (It has to be a sill pat trust me I tried everything else) (If you don't have one you can get it at almost any backing store).

STEP:2 Make your design (I went for a snowflake).

STEP:3 Make a loop on top.

STEP:4 Let it dry.

STEP:5 peel it up.

STEP:5 Put a string through the loop.

Monday, January 1, 2018


What is a tangle. It is a toy. What kind of toy?

it is a twistable, bendable hard plastic chain that keeps busy hands busy.
 It is the simplest toy you can think of.
when you look at it you would not think of it as a toy.
 but I think it is lots of fun.

If you have a child that can never sit still or even an adult.
 this is a very good time for them it keeps
them being able to sit still but still do something.

Happy New Year !

Welcome into a new year! I hope it will be a good year for you.
Celebrate the entering of the New Year how ever you do.
But have fun!
I wish you good luck for the New Year!