Thursday, November 30, 2017

Photo of the Week

My past dag Sadie. She was a graet dog. She was almast 16 when she died.
Here she is sleeping!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Helping dogs

I love animals, do You?  we were out in the car. We saw guide dogs and their owner's training together.  it was so touching to see. the dong would guide the blind man, and a designated color would drive right in front of them!  I would think will the dog stop him in time or not?  Every time they die song stop the person and jerked him back out of danger. they lacked the block 3 or 4 times. we saw several people training with their dogs.

I love to see When Animals help people. When people think of a service dog what do you think, you think of a guide dog for the blind…. right? That is not always the case though there are lots of other kinds of services Dogs. It does not even always have to be a dog.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Now or Latter?


Be honest we all have that drawer that is a mess, and we just shove stuff into because we don't want to take the time to organize it. Every one of my drawers is like that I can tell you that. If you let them go too long you will have a huge mess and a bigger job. If you do it a little at a time and take your time each time you put it away to make it look nice there won't be a big job. But of course, none of us do that right. I know I don't.
 So today I'm going to show you the difference it can make by just putting stuff away properly. I had a huge mess in my shirt drawer. I had to take it out and organize everything. But I'll tell you what when I was done or was that drawer beautiful and organized. I could actually open and close the drawer without struggling now…. Amazing.
 And you ask well what did you get rid of?  You have to get rid of something to fit them all back in there since they wouldn't fit before. But no I didn't I just organized……. like I should have done before. And now it is all neat and tidy and all fits in nicely.