Monday, August 28, 2017


I had a whole post written and then I deleted it be mistake.  I kept hitting undo, undo, undo! But it won't work!

so you get an in-promed-do post.

like when you have a paper due the next morning, you stayed up half the night working on it. and then something spilled all over it.

Now on top of that I can't spell anything right.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

How to Make a Snail House

Do you have a pet snail? I will sow you how to make a home for your it'll guy today.

You need to take a plastic box with a lid. You need to punch some wholes in the lid, you can use a drill for this (I didn't) I used a screwdriver to punch the wholes and then I used scissors and twisted them like a drill to get the extra plastic out and make it smooth.

Now you fill an inch or two with dirt. Put a put in so the snail can have some shade.

Now you need to feed your snail. I have fed him lettuce, watermelon, cucumber's and strawberry's. 
here is a video that shows you all that your snail can eat.

I wipe out any muck (by that I mean poop) when needed. I clean the whole home and get new dirt about once a month. make sure to replace the food when needed too.
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