Monday, March 13, 2017

My Story and Review, of Getting a Pet at the Oregon Humane Society

I will talk about how we got our new dog (Missy). I will share my experience with you.

Picking a pet:
We got Missy at the Oregon Humane Society (OHS). We knew we wanted a small lap dog, just like my previous dog (Sadie).

You can just go and look at all the different animals at the shelter if you want. Internet is so handy for everything now-a-days. Almost everyone has a website four there business. So we looked online at OHS. We saw all the animals. It is easier and faster, I think to look at home first, and narrow it down to one or two animals you want to go see. Then go see them.

My story:

    Sadie was a small black dog. She loved to be held. she was almost always cold, she would get up by the wood fireplace even in her old age.

   She was  a spoiled little baby of a dog. Everyone was extremely sad when she died she was part of the family (at some point every pet is not just a pet anymore but family.) She lived a long life though 15 years, and she got to die a natural death, of old age.

   When Sadie was about 10 we got another dog, named Reuben. Sadie rejected him at first but after a while they became best of friends.
                                            Sadie                    Reuben             Sadie + Reuben

   Then we got A new dog Missy, After Sadie died. We were Vary worried about how Reuben would react to the new dog. He had waited in the car with my mom and brother, while My dad and me where in the shelter. We had got Reuben from a shelter setting too and did not want to subject him to that.
   My brother was holding him and when we started to come out with Missy, my mom took Reuben in the front seat with her. Which was good, because there was a totally opposite reaction than we expected. He was panting and pulling trying to get back to Missy. He welcomed Missy Full heartedly.


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