Monday, August 29, 2016

How to raise Fruit Flies

How to Raise a Coltur of Fruit Fly's. We had two praying mantis for a wile. So we had to have some food for them. We did not want to buy a expensive fruit fly farm. We found how to make your own here. The mesherments are not in standred form and we had a little trouble with them, so I will give you the measurements that worked for us.

2oz of beer

3 tablespoons of potato flakes

2 ½ teaspoons of vinegar

1/8 a teaspoon of yeast

Mix the beer, potato flakes and vinegar together then add the yeast. It should look smooth and creamy when you are done.

Monday, August 1, 2016

DIY Dog Chew toy

I will teach you how to make a dog “Chew Rope” toy. So if you want to make a toy for your dog this is a good way.

Step One: Cut 27 pieces of yarn about 4 feet long.

Step Two: Cut 1 piece of yarn to 3 feet long, that will act as a ruler.

Step Three: Take 3 pieces of the 4 foot yarn, tie them all together at the top.

Step Four: Use a piece of tape to hold the pieces to a table.

Step Five: braid the three pieces together,in a traditional braid.

Step Six:When you think it is long enough, measure with the 3 foot piece of yarn. You want it at least this long.

Step Seven:If it is long enough tie it off at the end of the braid.

Step Eight : Cut the ends off that are not braided. Leave just about ½ an inch below the knot, so it won't come untied.

Step Nine: repeat steps steps 3-8 for the rest of the strings. you should have nine braids.

Step Ten: take three of your braids, tie all of them together 1-2 inches down from the top.

Step eleven: braid 3-5 inches. Tie a knot a the bottom of the braid.

Now comes the tricky part, but you can do it!

Step twelve: you might have more lose below the knot, at the bottom than at the top. If you do 1-2 inches down pinch the braid between your fingers and cut it just below that. Now retie it, do that for all three braids.

Step Thirteen: repeat steps 10-12. You should now have three braids. (make sure to make the braids on all three as close to size as you can)

Step Fourteen: tie the three braids together, tape them to the table, braid all three braids together once you reach the end of the braids tie a knot at the bottom. Now you are done!