Monday, May 9, 2016

Give and Not Receive

It is always better to give than get. It makes you and the other person feel so good. It could be volunteering somewhere, to help the ones in need or it could be as little as giving some flowers or saying a kind gentle word.

I remember when one of our friends were sick, we made some meals for then and took them to there house. She was so apprehensive of them. I Know I was sure happy to help, I had a huge smile on my face. Another time our nabob was sick. We did the same the for her. My mom took the food over and she was astonished that we would do that. She kept thanking us and telling us how good the food is.

There is many ways you can help other people, and make yourself feel good. You can volunteer somewhere to help. You can sign up for donation programs. Or it could be as simple as buying or making a meal for them, or just being there and talking and being a friend.

I have been involved in a couple donation programs over the years. It always feels good to make something and know some one will enjoy it. I singed up for a program to donate home made scarves, two times I also made dolls for kids at a hospital.

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