Saturday, December 20, 2014

How to Make a Snowflake out of a Coffee Filter

Have you ever made a paper snowflake? I have? But did you ever think of cutting in out of a coffee filter?

Monday, December 8, 2014

homemade snow globe

  1.  Get a mason jar(or some other jar with a lid) I used an empty glider jar.
  2. If the jars lid has holes take a cardboard piece and cover it with duct tape (because most duct tape is water proof) and stuff it inside of the lid.

3.Fill the container with water.
4.Put a little glitter in the water.
5.Put the lid on tight.

you can even glue a small snowman or some other ornament in there. Just make sure to use hot glue, because that will stand up to the water , (at least that is my experience) or use another glue that is water resistant.