Friday, November 28, 2014

Wild Weather

We have been going from rain to wind to sun to ice and snow and sometimes just plain cold.A few weeks ago it was windy,not like a breeze. We had up to 70mph gusts of wind, it was strong enough to snap off the top of our tree, fortunately no one was hurt.

then we had a day where we had rain,snow,ice rain, rain,snow,ice rain all day.

Then we started to have sun and it was in the high 50s sometimes 60s every day. it was still windy but not as bad.That lasted for about a week.

now the we heard on the weather it is going it snow again and ice rain. the high is suppose to be 38 one day.

Christmas Decorations

We  usually wait to set up the Christmas decorations until the day after thanksgiving. But this year we set up the Christmas tree and the outdoor lights on thanksgiving afternoon. The following (today) day we set up the rest of the Decorations, in the house.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Fall Decorations

Need a last minute decoration for fall or thanksgiving. These leaf decorations are great.You can see how to make them, plus a printable temp-let of the leaves,here.

Monday, November 10, 2014

How to Bathe a Dog

    We have two small dogs. One is mine and one is my brothers. I usually end up bathing both of them. I don’t mind. But they can be quite a handful sometimes,( trying to jump out of the tub and all.)