Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Billy got teribly Sick, Story

This is a story I wrote for my school. So some of the words are underlined because those are the type of words I was required to have in the story. like: easily is a (LY) word and jumped is a descriptive word.

Fist I will introduce ourselves. I am Billy; I am 14 years old I consider

Myself joyous. I have a step mom her name is margarine, she is a bit cranky.

Then there is my dad he is nice but easily-upset. There is also Suzy she is

very nice (which we will meet her later.) One day I got an illness the cat-flue

to be precise, I went to the hospital this all occurred on October 19, 2001.

The day I got better I was so happy I jumped in the air.

The doctors said I was well enough to go home. I did not want to go

home because my stepmother never loved me I was sure that she would love

me less now. So instead of going home I found a lady that helps people in

need named Suzy, I went to her and she helped me though my hard times.

Suzy even though my family was unwelcoming, they never came to visit and

declined it when they were welcomed. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Home Made stuffed Aminals

 I had two haan crafts, stuffed animal kits (a dog and a Bunny.) siting up in  my closet for years because I though they would be hard. One day I decided to do one and I found out it was quit fun and not to hard either. I made the Bunny for myself, and I love it. A couple weeks latter I decided to do the dog. That one went to my brother.

Me and my bunney (flopy is it's name)
My brother and his dog (spot)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ladybug Update

The lady bug is doing good. It seems to be happy. I feed it every day and give it about three drops of water. It does not move around much. But that’s good, so it does not fly away when I open it’s habitat.

I will update again soon!

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