Friday, March 15, 2013

How to Make a Balloon Dog

Here’s instruction’s for learning to make your own balloon dog.   

  •          Blow up a long balloon for the balloon animal (Blow it all the way up to the end of the balloon or leave an end for the tail, depending on the one you are making. (A balloon pump I find works best to blow the balloon up.)
  •     Burp the balloon, by letting a small amount of air out. Then tie it closed
  •          Twist a head about 1-2 inches long from the tied end and lock it in place.*(see below)
  •          Make a two more bubbles about 1-2 inches long. Fold it in half and lock them in place. #(see below)
  •      Twist a neck about ½-1 inch long and lock in place.
  •          Twist the body you can make it short or long whatever you want. Also depending on the kind of dog you making.
  •          Make another set of legs just as you did before. But just for the back legs this time.
  •          Now whatever’s left can be the tail.

If you need a more visual step-by-step instructions look here.

*To lock a twist in place=twist twice
Example: make a bubble 1-2 inches (in step three) and then twist twice to lock in place. (If 1-2 twists won’t lock it in place try 3-4 or however many you need to make it stay in place.)

#Tip: You will have to hold the twists in place until you get the ears or legs locked in place. Example: When you make the head (like you did in step four) you will have to hold the head so it stays twisted up until you make the ears and lock the ears in place.

The balloons usually come in assorted colors


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