Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Cristmas

 Marry Christmas and happy New Year! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Do-it tube Garden

Now I did my tube garden from a kit, but of course you can make one from scratch. Just pick up what you need at the store. If you don’t have a tube to put it in a bottle or something such as that will do. I am going to tell you how to grow a plant in a tube.
Step one get two cups, put the gel crystals in one and a seed in another (if you have a kit it will probably say to make three cups of the gel crystals but I found that was way to much so I would just do one cup of the gel crystals) put some water in each cup and let them soak overnight.

Step two put the gel crystals in the tube (if you have any extra gel crystals you can put them in a pot to help keep the water in).

Step three put the seed in the tube about one inch deep.

Step three put the seed in the tube about one inch deep.

Step four set it in either a cup or a stand if you have one (I used a cup).

Step five put it in a sunny and warm place.

Step six when the root reaches the bottom of the tube or bottle transplant it to a pot or a garden.

Step seven clean up any gel crystals or you can put them in the new pot. Make sure to throw away the gel crystals DO NOT PUT THEM DOWN THE SINK DRAIN!

I made my own tube garden out of a kit. Sadly I over watered it and drowned it. I was watering it every day and I think I only needed to water it about once a week. I hope if you give this project a try you will have better luck than myself.